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If you're looking for a specific kind of IF, you can create a poll to ask other people for recommendations.
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Games that could use more reviews

by MathBrush - 35 votes for 24 games, last vote on March 31, 2024; created on April 23, 2020
"I love to review games. Let me know if you've made a game that needs more reviews, or can suggest someone else's! I might not be personally able to review every game due to time, content, or platform, but I'll try!"

Games that include a maze you would describe as 'hey, actually fun'

by Jeremy Freese - 49 votes for 25 games, last vote on March 29, 2024; created on July 16, 2009
"Everybody always dissing mazes in IF. What are the games that prove them wrong?"

Artistic Games

by WriterBob - 134 votes for 37 games, last vote on March 26, 2024; created on November 15, 2008
"I'm interested in games that take the fiction of IF to new levels. These are not straightforward, plot driven games. Think instead of games that play like poetry, or games that focus on a character's revelation."

magic systems / accurate time travel

by Cygnus - 14 votes for 12 games, last vote on March 25, 2024; created on February 17, 2024
"I recently played Never Gives Up Her Dead by Mathbrush, and I loved it a lot. I especially loved the magic part in a certain part, and I've previously played The Wand and loved that to pieces. I also love researching time travel and I..."

Games exploring trauma and other messy subject matter

by Kastel - 29 votes for 22 games, last vote on March 15, 2024; created on August 24, 2023
"Looking for, as Nathalie Lawhead puts it, art caught between “everything is horrible”, “everything is survivable”, and “this is too hard to talk about”. I'm interested in how people explore the messy things in life through IF engines."

Games about mother-child relationships

by verityvirtue - 21 votes for 16 games, last vote on March 14, 2024; created on July 2, 2016
"Games which deal with mother-child relationships, no matter the nature of either party."

Recovered games

by Denk - 16 votes for 13 games, last vote on March 11, 2024; created on August 13, 2023
"Any game which has been practically unavailable for a long time for most players but is now again available to play, though there might be differences from the original version."

Two-player games

by Tabitha - 7 votes for 6 games, last vote on March 7, 2024; created on August 27, 2023
"IF games for two players"

CCTV cameras at the heart of it

by Max Fog - 10 votes for 7 games, last vote on March 7, 2024; created on September 6, 2023
"I'm looking for a game that uses CCTV cameras (or surveillance of some kind) as an important part of the game."

Games with unique hint systems

by delano - 51 votes for 28 games, last vote on March 7, 2024; created on April 27, 2014
"I'm looking for games that offer hints in any way, except for printing them in sequence on the screen. For example: characters that offer hints; objects that, when examined or used in a certain way, suggest actions to the player; etc."

Games where you can dispose of useless items

by Andrew Schultz - 7 votes for 5 games, last vote on March 2, 2024; created on January 2, 2023
"Mike Spivey's A Beauty Cold and Austere had a gray lady guarding a storage bin, where you could ask her if something had served its purpose. If it did, in the bin it went. If it didn't, you may've gotten a vague hint what to do with it...."

fourth wall breaking

by Cygnus - 12 votes for 10 games, last vote on February 29, 2024; created on February 17, 2024
"Okay, I swear this will be my last poll for the month. BUT. I love fourth-wall breaking. I am a simple guy. I love when games mess with me. There's a plethora of games here, and there isn't an overtly filled fourth-wall tag, so if you..."

Programming/command-line games?

by autumnc - 33 votes for 18 games, last vote on February 28, 2024; created on March 5, 2023
"What are some games that either include computer programming as a game mechanic, elements that simulate computer programming, or include some sort of command-line or terminal interface? This could include parser games, choice-based..."

"Weird and Eerie" interactive fiction

by Dawn S. - 27 votes for 17 games, last vote on February 27, 2024; created on March 19, 2023
"I’m reading and really enjoying The Weird and the Eerie, by critic Mark Fisher. In this book, Fisher explores the sense of something’s being simultaneously unsettling and fascinating. “Weird” and “eerie,” according to Fisher, are the..."

Games with exploration (or even just games w/ secret passages and such)

by Cygnus - 37 votes for 22 games, last vote on February 27, 2024; created on March 28, 2023
"There seems to be a LOT of games where you just.. explore hidden secrets in mansions, or similar. some of them have a plot, some of 'em don't, but i'm lookin' for stuff like D'Arkun, the Manor at Whitby.. Or any games with just..."

Emotional IF

by Sorrel - 65 votes for 27 games, last vote on February 26, 2024; created on April 8, 2010
"I'm looking for IF that inspires one or more strong emotions in the player – an IF that pulls on your heartstrings a little. "

Outstanding Game in a Custom System of 2023

by MathBrush - 8 votes for 3 games, last vote on February 18, 2024; created on February 1, 2024
"This poll is part of the 2023 IFDB Awards. The rules for the competition can be found here, and a list of all categories can be found here. This award is for the best game in a custom system of 2023. Voting is open to all IFDB members...."

Outstanding Game in an Uncommon System of 2023

by MathBrush - 46 votes for 12 games, last vote on February 18, 2024; created on February 1, 2024
"This poll is part of the 2023 IFDB Awards. The rules for the competition can be found here, and a list of all categories can be found here. This award is for the best game of 2023 written in an uncommon system. Voting is open to all IFDB..."

Outstanding Decker Game of 2023

by MathBrush - 21 votes for 6 games, last vote on February 18, 2024; created on February 1, 2024
"This poll is part of the 2023 IFDB Awards. The rules for the competition can be found here, and a list of all categories can be found here. This award is for the best Decker game of 2023. Voting is open to all IFDB members. Eligible..."

Outstanding Use of Interactivity in 2023

by MathBrush - 57 votes for 17 games, last vote on February 18, 2024; created on February 1, 2024
"This poll is part of the 2023 IFDB Awards. The rules for the competition can be found here, and a list of all categories can be found here. This award is for the an outstanding game of 2023 that felt truly interactive. Voting is open to..."
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