Games to play on New Year's Eve - an IFDB Poll

by Malasana
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Ideally, Winter/Christmas-themed games.

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New Year's Eve, 2019, by Autumn Chen
5 votes
"I'd say this suits the poll perfectly." [+]"I'd say this suits the poll perfectly." () --Kinetic Mouse Car... "A purgatorial party for New Year's Eve" [+]"A purgatorial party for New Year's Eve: Well conveys the feeling of having to fill a lot of time at a party, but ironically the game itself never loses interest!" --Wynter... ":)" [+]":): this is my own game, partly based on real NYE parties." --autumnc... "I mean, just look at the title" [+]"I mean, just look at the title" () --Cerfeuil... (No comment) [+](No comment) --cat...

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Ulterior Spirits, by E.J. Holcomb
1 vote
".....Yeah. I dare say this can go on the list." [+]".....Yeah. I dare say this can go on the list.: Everyone on the space station is all having fun celebrating the festivities. Meanwhile the protagonist is grappling with the aftermath of an alien race war. Just try it. The game describes itself as A Christmas Carol + Mass Effect which is not untrue." () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Three More Visitors , by Paul Stanley
1 vote
"Builds nicely on a classic tale" [+]"Builds nicely on a classic tale: Taleslinger's New Year's Speed IFs have a bunch of gems I bet" --Andrew Schultz...

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The Little Match Girl 2: Annus Evertens, by Ryan Veeder
1 vote
"Begins on the..." [+]"Begins on the cusp of the new year. Takes place 1846. Has some crazy time traveling but ultimately ends back to where it started. It's not explicitly about the new year, but the themes are there. This game was also released on New Year's Eve (today, you know. 2022 if anyone wants to keep an archive). Great game." ( - Full review) --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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