Vertical Games - an IFDB Poll

by Anya Johanna DeNiro
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Looking for games that really explore verticality, which go up (way up) in their setting. Human-made structures in particular: towers, skyscrapers, radio antennae. Games that figuratively can make you feel dizzy, particularly after a long climb to the top. Bonus points for Bad Things Happening to You if you happen to fall...

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climbing 208 feet up the ruin wall, by Porpentine
6 votes
"You do climb in this game" [+]"You do climb in this game" () --Cerfeuil... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Anya Johanna DeNiro... "A vertical..." [+]"A vertical adventrue in Twine." --Christina Nordlander... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --CMG... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --itsdnoftheworld...

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To Hell in a Hamper, by J. J. Guest
5 votes
"You're in a..." [+]"You're in a balloon, and your altitude is critically important (and constantly displayed in the status line)." ( - Full review) --Emily Short... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --E.K.... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Hanon Ondricek... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Vulturous...

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Roofed, by Jim Munroe
3 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Anya Johanna DeNiro... "Set on a rooftop,..." [+]"Set on a rooftop, involves climbing and various levels of precariousness. Also a very good soft sci-fi story puzzler." () --E.K.... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Ryan Veeder...

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The Ascent of the Gothic Tower, by Ryan Veeder
3 votes
"Moody game about climbing a tower" [+]"Moody game about climbing a tower" () --Cerfeuil... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Anya Johanna DeNiro... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk...

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The Edifice, by Lucian P. Smith
2 votes
"You don't..." [+]"You don't actually spend a lot of time in the titular edifice, but ascending it is the central theme of the game." --Christina Nordlander... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Tangaroa Deep, by Astrid Dalmady
2 votes
"Vertical oceanic navigation, great atmosphere" [+]"Vertical oceanic navigation, great atmosphere" () --Cerfeuil... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol...

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Down, the Serpent and the Sun, by Chandler Groover
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Doug Orleans...

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Worldsmith, by Ade McT
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk...

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Love, Hate and the Mysterious Ocean Tower, by C.E.J. Pacian
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Anya Johanna DeNiro... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol...

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Excelsior, by Arthur DiBianca
2 votes
"The room turning..." [+]"The room turning puzzle is the best part, where you operate something from above." --Andrew Schultz... "The tower..." [+]"The tower operates on multiple levels, which you sometimes have to cross to solve puzzles." ( - Full review) --prevtenet...

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Flight of the Hummingbird, by Michael Martin
2 votes
"You can fly, but..." [+]"You can fly, but you suck at it. All the puzzles are about getting from A to B." ( - Full review) --Sam Kabo Ashwell... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Andrew Schultz...

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Zymurgy, by Roger Carbol
1 vote
"UP and DOWN are..." [+]"UP and DOWN are the only directions in this game." ( - Full review) --Sobol...

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Catapole, by Adrien Saurat
1 vote
"Underground..." [+]"Underground setting, with lifts and huge chimneys. Very bad things happening to you if you fall!" () --Eriorg...

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Threediopolis, by Andrew Schultz
1 vote
"A multi-level..." [+]"A multi-level futuristic city. Nothing much in the way of "feeling dizzy", though - the setting is comfortable and amusing." () --Sobol...

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Pogoman GO!, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman
1 vote
"the Nyantech building" [+]"the Nyantech building" () --Denk...

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Trinity, by Brian Moriarty
1 vote
"The Klein Bottle..." [+]"The Klein Bottle and the origami bird (with or without using the gnomon) provided different types of scary mindbending up-ness." () --Andrew Schultz...

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San Francisco, 2118, by Leah Case
1 vote
"I am going to be..." [+]"I am going to be honest. I have played this game and still do not fully grasp what it is about. But it does have a theme of traveling to different levels of a skyscraper. It is a Twine game and uses the coolest effect: Skyscraper imagery on the right side of the screen that moves up and down as if you were scaling it." --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Tower, by Simon Deimel
1 vote
"Well, this was a decent IF 2014 Comp game!" [+]"Well, this was a decent IF 2014 Comp game!" () --BlitzWithGuns...

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Sunset Over Savannah, by Ivan Cockrum
1 vote
"The game world is..." [+]"The game world is rather small in all dimensions, but climbing all the way up and diving all the way down are two of the most memorable experiences there." () --Sobol...

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Star City, by Mark Sachs
1 vote
"Aside from the..." [+]"Aside from the geography of the space station, the final sequence is a text-based flight simulation(!) of a harrowing descent to Earth after ejecting from the satellite." () --Joshua Houk...

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Ferret, by
1 vote
"A sharp toothed game to be thrust up your trouser leg " [+]"A sharp toothed game to be thrust up your trouser leg : One phase of this enormous game features a window cleaner's cradle. The problem revolves around different weights taking you to different floors outside a vertiginous building." ( - Full review) --Canalboy...

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Zenith, by Hituro
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Tabitha / alyshkalia...

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Lucid, by Caliban's Revenge
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --OverThinking...

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