IF of yours you'd most recommend - an IFDB Poll

by blue/green
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If someone were going to play one IF you've written, which one would you recommend? This can be based on any criteria you choose: personal favorite, highest rated, most representative, most accessible, whatever. (You can always change your vote later if you change your mind.)

The point of this poll is to
* make it easy for players to discover authors they're not familiar with, especially if players aren't sure where to start, and
* get a sampling of the variety of works created by different authors, without the list being overwhelming or weighted towards any particular author.

Also I'm just curious to see authors' own choices.

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Sub Rosa, by Joey Jones, Melvin Rangasamy
2 votes
"Probably the best game I've made." [+]"Probably the best game I've made." --Joey Jones... "Concur :)" [+]"Concur :)" --pieartsy...

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PataNoir, by Simon Christiansen
2 votes
"I've been..." [+]"I've been polishing this game for almost four years, and I think it shows." --Simon Christiansen... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Karl Ove Hufthammer...

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The Story of Mr. P, by Hannes Schueller
1 vote
"It will let you..." [+]"It will let you make your own story out of the given fragments. Only if you're actually willing to *play*, however. Too bad it was almost universally ignored." --Hannes...

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Out the Window, by Molly Geene (as Bramble Bobonong)
1 vote
"A good defenestration simulator" [+]"A good defenestration simulator: Not quite representative of all my work, but I'm happy with it." --Molly...

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A Tale of the Cave, by Snoother
1 vote
"It's fun,..." [+]"It's fun, bite-sized and (dare I say) clever. Combining William McGonagall's poetry with the cave-crawl genre was always bizarrely an ambition of mine, and I'm chuffed that the idea worked." --Snoother...

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Attack of the Clockwork Army, by Felicity Banks
1 vote
"Australian steampunk all the way." [+]"Australian steampunk all the way.: I've been developing this magical Australian steampunk setting for years, and it shows. It's unique." --Felicity Banks...

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Cryptozookeeper, by Robb Sherwin
1 vote
""So, you tap the..." [+]""So, you tap the gas, because well, why tap the brake?" --Elroy Patashnik." --Robb Sherwin...

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Erstwhile, by Aster (formally Maddie) Fialla, Marijke Perry
1 vote
"Play a ghost trying to solve his own murder, who's also an asshole" [+]"Play a ghost trying to solve his own murder, who's also an asshole: My postmortem says, 'when you work on a game on and off for 2 years you accrue serious doubts about its quality'. But it won 5th place in an IFComp and an XYZZY award so clearly I was wrong" --pieartsy...

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The Delusion Dilemna, by Nathaniel Holle
1 vote
"Extremely interactive NPCs" [+]"Extremely interactive NPCs: There are four NPCs I decided to make extremely interactive, which I think really helped out the game. " --Nathaniel...

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Birdland, by Brendan Patrick Hennessy
1 vote
"This is my entire deal." [+]"This is my entire deal." --Brendan Patrick Hennessy...

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Monk by the Sea, by Elizabeth Decoste
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Elizabeth DeCoste...

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Solarium, by Anya Johanna DeNiro
1 vote
"the game where story, writing, and choice mechanics clicked most for me" [+]"the game where story, writing, and choice mechanics clicked most for me" --Anya Johanna DeNiro...

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Lime Ergot, by Caleb Wilson (as Rust Blight)
1 vote
"The game that..." [+]"The game that best shows what my writing is like in the smallest space." --Caleb Wilson...

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Under the Bed, by Dan Doyle III
1 vote
"Kill the monster under your bed. " [+]"Kill the monster under your bed. " --tggdan3...

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Shuffling Around, by Andrew Schultz (as Ned Yompus)
1 vote
"The most story & balance of any of my puzzlers" [+]"The most story & balance of any of my puzzlers: I'm pleased with the concept, the execution, the hint device, and (as of release 4) the finally-smooth opening. It feels the least potentially overwhelming of my puzzlers. While I like the sequel _A Roiling Original_ more due to my own journey through it, _Threediopolis_'s more obnoxious puzzles make me giggle, and _Very Vile Fairy File_'s solutions and story make me laugh the most, _Shuffling_ feels like a good introduction without over-simple." --Andrew Schultz...

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The Trope Exploit, by John C. Knudsen
1 vote
"Because of the way the game is structured, the replay factor is high." [+]"Because of the way the game is structured, the replay factor is high.: I enjoyed writing this one." --knudsenjohnc...

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Tales of the Traveling Swordsman, by Mike Snyder
1 vote
"I'm fond of most of my games in different ways, but I think this is my most polished and accessible one, with the widest appeal." [+]"I'm fond of most of my games in different ways, but I think this is my most polished and accessible one, with the widest appeal." --Merk...

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Tangaroa Deep, by Astrid Dalmady
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --dastridly...

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Voice Box, by B Minus Seven
1 vote
"My least reckless text." [+]"My least reckless text." --B Minus Seven...

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Word of the Day, by Richard Otter
1 vote
"Enough Backstory for Anyone" [+]"Enough Backstory for Anyone: This game took me several years to complete. Although the game play is fair railroaded, it does contain several endings, some more profitable than other. The level of backstory is what makes this game, in my opinion." --Richard Otter...

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The Lost Mountain, by Greg Frost
1 vote
"So far the only..." [+]"So far the only work I've completed on my own. Is it any good? Maybe not. Still, it was a lot of fun to write." --Greg Frost...

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Make It Good, by Jon Ingold
1 vote
"It's not my..." [+]"It's not my favourite world or concept, but it's the game I took the most time over, and it's good for a short, cursory play, while also hopefully rewarding more substantial time too." --jingold...

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Aunts and Butlers, by Robin Johnson
1 vote
"A Wodehousean adventure" [+]"A Wodehousean adventure: My first IFComp game, with a society-farce setting. Possibly one of the highest achieving "homebrew" parser games, made in 2006 when web-playable IF wasn't much of a thing." --Robin Johnson...

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Faithful Companion, by Matt Weiner
1 vote
"A brief game with an unusual mechanic and one really tricky puzzle" [+]"A brief game with an unusual mechanic and one really tricky puzzle: If you like puzzles you should definitely try this one. (And it is something that would only work as parser IF, which I like.) But if you like story, I'm also fond of Tea and Toast, which is short and tells you how to do everything if you get stuck." --matt w (Matt Weiner)...

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Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota
1 vote
"It's that one about the orc and the pig that people seem to like." [+]"It's that one about the orc and the pig that people seem to like." --Jota...

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Hard Puzzle 3 : Origins, by Ade McT
1 vote
"The puzzle isn't really that hard" [+]"The puzzle isn't really that hard" --Ade Mct...

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In The House of Professor Evil: The HAM HOUSE, by S. John Ross
1 vote
"Ham." [+]"Ham.: It simply has more ham." --Ghalev...

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Light into Darkness, by Christina Nordlander
1 vote
"Made in three..." [+]"Made in three hours for Ectocomp, but I'm happy with my efforts to create an emotionally involving story (with two possible endings) in such a short space." --Christina Nordlander...

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Turandot, by Victor Gijsbers
1 vote
"The best thing I've done." [+]"The best thing I've done." --Victor Gijsbers...

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Danse Nocturne, by Joey Jones
1 vote
"It's certainly..." [+]"It's certainly the strangest thing I've made." --Joey Jones...

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Invisible Parties, by Sam Kabo Ashwell (as Psychopup)
1 vote
"My most..." [+]"My most substantial game, and the one I'm most proud of." --Sam Kabo Ashwell...

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Tribute: Return to the City of Secrets, by Kenneth Pedersen
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Denk...

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Heretic Dreams, by Harris Powell-Smith
1 vote
"Atmospheric bleak fantasy with a hot mess of a protagonist." [+]"Atmospheric bleak fantasy with a hot mess of a protagonist." --Harris Powell-Smith...

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Mere Anarchy, by Bruno Dias
1 vote
"It's my most..." [+]"It's my most fully-realised piece, and it sums up what I'm interested in as an author pretty directly." --Bruno Dias...

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The Saint's Tomb, by Seth Jones
1 vote
"The first game I've written (yet!)" [+]"The first game I've written (yet!)" () --Sayeth...

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A Hymn Long Silenced, by Lapdog
1 vote
"My first and only game so far. Easy choice." [+]"My first and only game so far. Easy choice." --lapdog...

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What Fuwa Bansaku Found, by Chandler Groover
1 vote
"A limited parser game, short and easy for new players." [+]"A limited parser game, short and easy for new players." --CMG...

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Alias 'The Magpie', by J. J. Guest
1 vote
"It has to be this..." [+]"It has to be this one. It took me years to make, and my efforts were rewarded with an IFComp win and an XYZZY award." --J. J. Guest...

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Barroom Brawl, by Mathbrush
1 vote
"The game I most enjoyed writing/playing" [+]"The game I most enjoyed writing/playing" --MathBrush...

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Is there another game that you think should be on this list? Just fill in the title of a game you'd like to vote for.
Game Title (or TUID or IFID):