
Wichita, Kansas

Member since October 19, 2007
Last visited November 11, 2015
Profile ID (TUID): mf6mnwayawcqk4su

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News about games authored by Merk (RSS Feed)
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Interactive Fiction by Merk

Tales of the Traveling Swordsman, by Mike Snyder (2006)
(48 ratings)
You are the traveling swordsman; the strong and silent stranger; the wandering vanquisher of villainy. Damsels swoon for you. Good men respect and envy you. Scoundrels learn to fear you. Even so,...

Hallowmoor, by Mike Snyder (2013)
(16 ratings)
Your quest: infiltrate Castle Hallowmoor, find the potion, and make it out alive. This is a Halloween-themed adventure -- hypertext interactive fiction playable in most modern web browsers.

Distress, by Mike Snyder (2005)
(22 ratings)
Lieutenant Huchess came to, an hour or so ago. That was around the time Runoma, blazing orange-hot so near this, its second planet, fell below the distant, jagged crag line. Ensign Covegn died not...

Trading Punches, by Mike Snyder (2004)
(11 ratings)

The Profile, by Mike Snyder (2013)
(8 ratings)
Rain pours, and with it, distant thunder. You approach the house, perhaps quickly. Your boots leave muddy footprints on the steps. It's cold. It's dark. The time is between 2:30 and 4:00 AM; you're...

See all 9 games by Merk

Recommended Lists by Merk

This member hasn't created any lists yet.

Polls by Merk

Games centered around a "groundhog day" loop - 63 votes for 33 games; created July 29, 2015
Two that come to mind, which I haven't played in years and may be remembering wrong, are Moebius and All Things Devours. Games with fail...

Reviews by Merk

This member hasn't written any reviews yet.

Merk's Play Lists

Played Games

Everybody Dies, by Jim Munroe
Blue Chairs, by Chris Klimas
Delightful Wallpaper, by Andrew Plotkin ('Edgar O. Weyrd')
Slouching Towards Bedlam, by Star Foster and Daniel Ravipinto
Violet, by Jeremy Freese

See all 12 entries in the Played List

Wish List

Worlds Apart, by Suzanne Britton
Aisle, by Sam Barlow
Blue Lacuna, by Aaron A. Reed

"Not Interested" List

This member hasn't added any games to his "Not Interested" List yet.