Member since November 17, 2015
Last visited August 21, 2023
Profile ID (TUID): lfhpr5qgdfh9hh
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Worldsmith, by Ade McT (2016) (30 ratings) The Septem Tower has held steady in the Manifold, the space between time and the Real, for billenia. Populating the Tower are the Anemoi, a race of beings so far advanced that they hold the power... |
Dr Horror's House of Terror, by Ade McT (2021) (19 ratings) The Grave cannot hold them...Nothing human can stop them...Torn from their tombs to terrify the world, the cravings of their undead blood made them kill...kill...KILL! Feel the chill of the crypt... |
Fifteen Minutes, by Ade McT (2014) (24 ratings) You're in a tight spot. You have fifteen minutes before the Principal expels you from the cosy world of academia and into the cold harsh reality of the real world. You really should do something... |
Map, by Ade McT (2015) (32 ratings) The house is growing. Or perhaps it's you who is shrinking. And with all this extra space is coming....time. Time enough, maybe, to make some changes. |
Hard Puzzle 2 : The Cow, The Stool and Other Animals, by Ade McT (2015) (5 ratings) On the farm, after The Event, things have gotten more complicated than they ought to be. A silly little Speed-IF. But can you solve it? Hall of Fame: CMG Deboriole |
See all 6 reviews by Ade Mct
See all ratings and reviews by Ade Mct