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Faithful Companionby Matt Weiner profile2013 Horror Inform 7
(based on 22 ratings)
3 reviews — 24 members have played this game. It's on 7 wishlists.
The "Play On-line" link should now go to version 2!
Nominee, Best Individual Puzzle; Nominee, Best Individual NPC - 2013 XYZZY Awards
Entrant - 7th Annual New Year's Minicomp
4th Place - Ectocomp 2013
| Average Rating: based on 22 ratings Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 3 Write a review |
In this short ectocomop game, you are trying to enter a tomb and lay a spirit to rest. However, the spirit copies everything you do, performing your actions two turns later.
This causes a lot of trouble, as the puzzles include latches that you can push open and push close, so he pushes stuff closed as you push it open.
I had fun with this. However, out of the three puzzles, I twice thought I had the right solution and failed; both times, it was because I didn't realize that the ghost goes first in simultaneous actions.
There are just 3 puzzles. Fun for puzzle fans.
I know this was meant as a puzzle, but to me having to outsmart the ghost who follows you was just annoying. The puzzles weren't overly hard, just frustrating, especially at the beginning.
But besides that, the lack of any real backstory made me dislike this game.
Overall, it isn't horrible, but I don't like puzzles for the sake of puzzles. There has to be more to the story rather than a restless ghost who is now terrorizing the cemetery because of looters. Maybe the deceased was a dear friend. Perhaps the ghost gives the player snippets of his memories of the looters, or even his previous life. There is so much more storywise that could've been added.
Others will like it, but even after completing it I'm not a fan.
This short, fast game has interesting interaction mechanics, and provides a fun short play-through.
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