
Results for Codex Sadistica: A Heavy-Metal Minigame
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Codex Sadistica: A Heavy-Metal Minigame

by grave snail games
(11 ratings)

The Act of Misdirection

by Callico Harrison
(71 ratings)

Curse of the Hellsblade

, by John Nelson and Tom Zuchowski (1991)
(2 ratings)

The Dare

, by Dorothy Millard and Mario Moeller (1989)

The Trouble with Trolls

, by George E. Hoyle (1996)


, by Ian Waddell (2003)
(1 rating)

Palace of Shadows

, by Christos Stogiannopoulos and Pablo Martínez Merino (AKA Depresiv) (2005)

Another Goddamn Escape the Locked Room Game

, by Riff Conner (2006)
(17 ratings)

Get Me To the Church On Time!

by Gareth Pitchford and Scott Denyer (The Spud)

Tears of the Moon

, by Clive Wilson (1992)

Laskar's Crystals

, by Laurence Creighton (1992)

Operation Crab Key

, by Joe Vercellone (1984)


by Stefan Ufnowski
(1 rating)


, by Bruce Davis (2000)
(1 rating)

The Underground City

, by Steve Adelson (1982)
(1 rating)

Jack the Ripper

by Priscilla Langridge,Jared Derrett

Hob's Hoard

, by Dennis Francombe (1991)

Hell in Highwater

, by J. Arthur (2004)
(3 ratings)

The Forgotten Pyramid

by Chris Schneider


by Eckhard Borkiet
(1 rating)

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