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Choices: And Their Souls Were Eaten

by Tin Man Games and Felicity Banks profile

Episode 2 of Choices That Matter
Fantasy, Historical

(based on 9 ratings)
6 reviews9 members have played this game. It's on 4 wishlists.

About the Story

You have a gift. With your gift, the dead are never truly gone.

But what if there is a dark side to your gift? What if there are those who can pervert your talent, and alter the balance of life and death?

Travel across a steampunk 1830s Europe, where metal is magical, giving powers to those who wear it. Learn more about your ancient gift and what it means for you, your family, and humanity. Uncover the nefarious plot to destroy all life... and fight against time to stop your enemy from destroying everything you hold dear.

* * *

The beginning is free, and the rest costs a few dollars (or a LOT of ads if you choose that option on Android).

It’s a subscription story that releases a new section each week. There are between 2 and 7 strands happening at any one time, with both delayed and instant branching.

Some of you are already subscribed to the award-winning “Choices: And the Sun Went Out” (Felicity Banks is a co-writer there). In that case, you’re already subscribed to “Choices: And Their Souls Were Eaten”. (Congratulations!)

On Apple (linked), a subscription to either story gets you a subscription to both.

You can choose to have certain character/s speak to you through your apple watch, if you have one. (That, the music, and the sound effects can all be switched on or off. I like the music off but the sound effects on.)

On Android, you can buy (or earn by watching a LOT of ads) Story Passes, which can be spent on either story.


Ratings and Reviews

5 star:
4 star:
3 star:
2 star:
1 star:
Average Rating: based on 9 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 6

3 Most Helpful Member Reviews

3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Life and death and life through binary choices, September 2, 2016*
Related reviews: 2-10 hours

Caveat: I was given a review copy of this game, but ended up playing the free public intro instead.

This game incorporates various multimedia effects including sounds, music, some animation and even apple watch interactivity, but I played it on android with the sound turned off.

So I'm just reviewing the graphics and story, and it's a good one. This is my favorite Fwlicity Banks game yet, perhaps because I just finished mistborn and I enjoyed the metal-themed magic vibe and the wilderness survival aspects.

In the free intro to the game, which by itself is quite long, you play as the unwilling holder of a special talent: "eating" souls. What that entails and its implications for you are slowly unraveled.

Your main nemesis at first is a ghastly creatute, a red eyed albino bear. The confrontations with the bear were exciting, and you get a lot of mileage out of the game before the pay/ad wall.

The visual styling is gorgeous. The choices were all binary, and the story 'felt' like the choices didn't matter at first, but I soon found that options that seemed unimportant led to dramatic results; the author must have spent a great deal of time working on the different threads to allow this level of choice.

As a final note, I've given this game 5 stars based on my judging criteria. I've reviewed several of Banks' games by her request, but I haven't been afraid to give less stars when appropriate. This game is polished, descriptive, gave me a real thrill of emotion, and made me want to play more, which are 4 of my 5 criteria. I didn't like the binary choices at first, but it fell into a rhythm that ended up working for me, which is my 5th star.

* This review was last edited on September 3, 2016
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Brilliantly Written, September 12, 2017
by ECA1

It was brilliant, sat around for several hours collecting all the tickets I needed then played for several more. When the end came up I was a bit miffed, wish there could've been more. Was really interested in Nox's character and tried to give her the benefit of the doubt whenever because she made me laugh. Thanks for writing this brilliant interactive story. I'm going to reset for another round.

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Best Interactive Game I've Played Ever!, September 8, 2017

I started playing this game with little expectation as I hadn't had particularly good experience with these kinds of games in the past.
Well, this game changed it all for me.The thing that I liked most about the game is that it doesn't force a gender on you like most interactive games do and the story is so captivating and visually beautiful to imagine that you can't just leave the rest for later in the middle, ask from me I've skipped college to finish this story and the best thing is that you never feel alone while you're alone in this story, there's plenty of company always- a special bit about this story that you'll have to find out yourself...I won't be giving any spoilers.

The most talented author does a really great job in capturing that steampunk feeling that you'll definitely miss when you'll finish this story, and the sense of adventure that you'll get while going through the dense woods, the greasy cities and towns, talking and fighting your way in the hope that things will turn out just fine if you play your cards right (and I assure you they will) will leave you craving for more.

So, this is my review for this wonderful game and in the end I would just like to say that I really liked playing this game, it's definitely worth the hours and you should definitely play this if you're bored with the usual stuff.

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"And Their Souls Were Eaten" final update released 21 July 2017July 20, 2017
After a total of 40 updates over 10 months, "Choices: And Their Souls Were Eaten" has released the final update. The story just ended.

It is available on iOS and Google Play, and the complete story will soon be released on Steam.

The app name has been changed from "Choices: And The Sun Went Out" (that is, named after the first story) to "Choices That Matter".

The third adventure, "And Their Heroes Were Lost", has just begun.
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