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The Sunken River

by Bruno Dias profile and Failbetter Games

Episode 109 of Fallen London Exceptional Stories

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About the Story

"The interior of the Questionable has a noisy, almost raucous atmosphere. It’s inevitable – in such tight confines, trapped in this metal coffin, sound cannot escape, and men make jokes to keep the fear at bay. But when the bell sounds and the officers gather in the bridge, a hush falls over the ship. Descent is, to the zubmariner, a sacrament."

The Unsanctioned Zubmariner has one last voyage to make – and, through the Admiralty’s machinations, you’ve just been promoted to First Officer. Embark on an ill-advised, officially unacknowledged expedition beneath the dark waves. Follow a trail of blood to the very heart of the Unterzee. Try not to crack under the pressure.


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