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by Elizabeth Ballou

Meditative, slice-of-life artgame (literally!)

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About the Story

Imprimatura (It.): the first layer of paint on a canvas.

Imagine that you are an artist. Imagine that you are in mourning. A painter - your relative, and your former mentor - has died. In their will, they have left you seven paintings of your choosing from their collection. But which seven? What matters to you as both an artist and an inheritor of your mentor's legacy? And what memories will these paintings stir up?

Imprimatura is a nonlinear work of interactive fiction that makes light use of procedural generation and heavy use of a multilayered painting that changes based on your choices.

Credits: Writing/design/scripting by Elizabeth Ballou, visual design and art by Alina Constantin, art by Anna Link, music/SFX by Rachel Wang.

Content warning: Brief verbal descriptions of a loved one dying of cancer; a verbal description of a car accident involving a death; some descriptions of anxiety, depression, emotional abuse, and the threat of physical abuse. Light cursing.



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Game Details

Language: English (en)
First Publication Date: September 1, 2024
Current Version: Unknown
Development System: Twine
IFID: 93F619F2-F7CA-44A5-BB6B-0342537784B1
TUID: 2f8nl9bae284ewe1

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