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Silicon Quest

by Nidal Bazzi

Inform 6

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About the Story

Story Line:

Most of the inhabitable planets in the galaxy are now colonized by humans. All countries on Earth have been united into one super power in competition with other planetary powers. Wars have now ceased on earth but continue on other indepandant planets either in the form of civil wars or inter-planetary wars. Earth is prosperous but its natural resources are now scarce. Solar power has become the Major source of energy but solar panels are made out silicon which has become the most precious and scarce metal on earch Luckily, the planet Silica is very rich in this precious metal but it is controlled by another developing power. Earth law prohibits waging war on other planets except in self defense but there is no law against covert operations on other planets.

You are the leader of a unit in the in the Intelligence Covert Operations (ICO). Your mission is to find and establish a puppet regime in Silica that will cooperate with your government to "import" cheap Silicon.


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