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Tabitha / alyshkalia reviews DOL-OS: "Found-document sci-fi horror" July 26, 2024
"DOL-OS is less a choice-based game and more a hypertext exploration game—or more specifically, a “found document” game, with the..." - See full review
A new listing for The Amateur Deity Society, by Robert Carlson July 25, 2024
1998. The members of Franklin High School’s dubious, under-equipped “Computer Club” break from precedent and take on a project: programming a world-simulator. Denise Novak, the ostensible club’s alleged...
News on The Little Match Girl 5: The Hunter's Vow: Public release July 25, 2024
LMG5, once a Patreon exclusive, now enjoys a public release! - Details
News on Untitled Relationship Project: Full version released July 23, 2024
This game formerly had a different name, but has been expanded with snippets by several authors and updated with a new name. Hope you enjoy! - Details
A new listing for Tears of Tianchao, by Red Bean Buns July 23, 2024
After a decade from your home nation of Tianchao, you become Xiaowei Mao in the army involved in the intranational civil war called "DaiZai-Yige." You are sent by the Emperor of Zhongguog to another emperor...
Joey Jones reviews You Gen #9: "Promising Beginning" July 23, 2024
"This is an excellent first chapter that uses Twine in a really elegant way. The story of an enhanced eugenics movement is told quite..." - See full review

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IFDB Recommends...

Anchorhead, by Michael Gentry
You take a deep breath of salty air as the first raindrops begin to spatter the pavement, and the swollen, slate-colored clouds that...

Counterfeit Monkey, by Emily Short
Anglophone Atlantis has been an independent nation since an April day in 1822, when a well-aimed shot from their depluralizing cannon...

Eat Me, by Chandler Groover
In this castle, you'll eat or be eaten. May contain dairy, carnage, puzzles, nuts.

Why did IFDB recommend these?

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