ECTOCOMP is an annual competition for interactive fiction written for the SPOOKY MONTH OF HALLOWEENTOBER. Whether you celebrate Halloween, Day of the Dead, All Saint's Eve, or just love ghost stories and creeping people out, this is your time to shine!
This competition is for games done in English, French, and Spanish.
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Games and Awards
La Petite Mort - English
For those who want to speed-write their game in 4 hrs or less.
1st Place:
The Enigma of the Old Manor House, by Daniel M. Stelzer
2nd Place:
Untitled Ghost Game, by Damon L. Wakes
3rd Place:
Something Blue, by Emery Joyce
4th Place:
Nightmares Within Nightmares, by Grahamw
5th Place:
Starlight Shadows, by Autumn Chen
6th Place:
BLACKOUT, by Playahead Games
7th Place:
Buggy, by Mathbrush
8th Place:
Cell 174, by Milo van Mesdag
9th Place:
10th Place:
MARTYR ME, by Charm Cochran
11th Place:
origin of love, by Sophia de Augustine
12th Place:
ZIT, by Amanda Walker
13th Place:
Zombie Eye, by Dee Cooke
14th Place:
15th Place:
You Are a Zombie Yelp Reviewer, by Geoffrey Golden
16th Place:
HSL Type Ω MEWP Certification Exam, by Duncan Bowsman
17th Place:
There Those Dare Doze, by Andrew Schultz
18th Place:
Trick or Treat or Trick or Treat or Trick, by Stewart C Baker
19th Place:
Reg and the Kidnapped Fairy, by Caranmegil
20th Place:
Restitution, by Dorian Passer
Le Grand Guignol - English
For games that, for whatever reason, took longer than 4 hrs to write.
1st Place:
The Good Ghost, by Sarah Willson, Kirk Damato
2nd Place:
The Spectators, by Amanda Walker
3rd Place:
The Trials and Tribulation of Edward Harcourt, by MelS and manonamora
4th Place:
God is in the Radio, by catsket
5th Place:
Escape from Hell, by Nils Fagerburg
6th Place:
The Sun Doesn't Shine Here, by Stanley W. Baxton
7th Place:
Quintessence, by Lapin Lunaire Games
8th Place:
A Pumpkin, by fos1
9th Place:
The Haunted Help Desk, by DSherwood
10th Place:
Defrosted, by Riyadth
11th Place:
Zombie Blast 2023, by Sam Ursu
12th Place:
This Old Haunted House, by Jason Love
13th Place:
You're In Deep, by Xuelder
14th Place:
Nowheresville, by Morpheus Kitami and Cody Gaisser
15th Place:
Civil Seeming Drivel Dreaming, by Andrew Schultz
16th Place:
Euphoria Brighter Than A Comet, by Naomi Norbez (call me Bez)
La Petite Mort - Spanish
Para aquellos que quieren escribir un juego de forma muy muy rápida, en 4 horas o menos.
Le Grand Guignol - Spanish
Para juegos, que por cualquier motivo, han sido escritos en más de 4 horas.
La Petite Mort - French
Pour ceux qui aiment écrire vite et sans perdre de temps dans laquelle sont présentés des jeux faits en moins de 4 heures.
Le Grand Guignol - French
Pour tous les autres jeux qui, pour une raison ou pour une autre, ont été fabriqués en plus de 4h (un chef d’œuvre fleuve ? à moins que le temps initial n’ait filé un peu plus vite que prévu à force de rajouter des détails sordides ?)
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