ECTOCOMP is an annual competition for interactive fiction written for the SPOOKY MONTH OF HALLOWEENTOBER. Whether you celebrate Halloween, Day of the Dead, All Saint's Eve, or just love ghost stories and creeping people out, this is your time to shine!

This competition is for games done in English, French, and Spanish.

News & updates (RSS)



Official Web site:

Organizer(s): Ruber Eaglenest, smwhr

Award date: November 20, 2022

Qualification opening date: October 1, 2022

Qualification closing date: October 30, 2022

Games and Awards

La Petite Mort - English

For those who want to speed-write their game in 4 hrs or less.

Le Grand Guignol - English

For games that, for whatever reason, took longer than 4 hrs to write.

La Petite Mort - Spanish

Para aquellos que quieren escribir un juego de forma muy muy rápida, en 4 horas o menos.

Le Grand Guignol - Spanish

Para juegos, que por cualquier motivo, han sido escritos en más de 4 horas.

Update History

v.17: 22-Nov-2022 08:50 - Ruber Eaglenest (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed list of games
v.16: 21-Nov-2022 12:20 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.15: 21-Nov-2022 08:45 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.14: 21-Nov-2022 08:37 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.13: 21-Nov-2022 07:28 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.12: 14-Nov-2022 10:05 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.11: 14-Nov-2022 10:03 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.10: 14-Nov-2022 10:02 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.9: 13-Nov-2022 15:07 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.8: 12-Nov-2022 11:31 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.7: 3-Nov-2022 22:58 - manonamora
Changed list of games
v.6: 3-Nov-2022 21:50 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.5: 3-Nov-2022 21:40 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.4: 3-Nov-2022 21:33 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
v.3: 3-Nov-2022 21:26 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed divisions
v.2: 3-Nov-2022 21:23 - Ruber Eaglenest
Changed list of games
 v.1: 3-Nov-2022 21:12 - Ruber Eaglenest
Created page