Stephane F.'s Played Games

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2112, by Anonymous
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

À la basse et au chant, by Eva Simonin
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

Une respiration difficile résonne dans vos oreilles. Un voile pesant étouffe tous vos autres sens. Le sang bat dans vos veines en un rythme lourd, juste un peu trop rapide.
An Abbreviated Night Before Christmas, by Adam Thornton
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)
Clement Clarke Moore is rolling in his grave.

Age of Fable, by James Hutchings
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

Age of Fable is a free role-playing game which you play through your web browser. Its style is deliberately 'retro', based on the gamebooks whose popularity peaked in the 80s such as Fighting Fantasy, Lone...

Aisle, by Sam Barlow
Average member rating: (329 ratings)

"Late Thursday night. You've had a hard day and the last thing you need is this: shopping. Luckily, the place is pretty empty and you're progressing rapidly. On to the next aisle... Aisle started out as a...

Akabane Nights, by Dobromir Harrison
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

You're a vampire living near Akabane Station in Northern Tokyo. Can you make it through another night unscathed, or will your baser urges give you away? "WARNING: It has bad language, (mild) sexual content...

all you have to do is survive, by Lily Lapidese
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Your government loves you very much! Make good choices! -- A Twine game with multiple endings. Made for #ResistJam.

And You May Find Yourself, by VPC
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

You awake one morning with a beautiful house, and a beautiful wife, and no idea how you got there.

Basket-ball, by auraes
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Devenez un champion de basket-ball. Basket-ball est un petit exercice de programmation avec la bibliothèque Inform 6.12. Selon la précision de l’énoncé de l’action, la probabilité de réussir le...

The Blind House, by Amanda Allen
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (38 ratings)

I scarcely know the woman at my side. I don't even know why she was the one I turned to. I can only hope that we haven't been followed, that she won't ask too many questions. The only choice left to me now...

Brume, by Rémi Verschelde (Akien)
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

A small game that won the French IF Comp 2008, in which you have to find the exit of an unknown room... but you wake up in some kind of altered state if I may say so... The emphasis has been set on the...

Castelrous, by Julien Frison
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Fils d’un petit baron occitan durant la croisade contre les Albigeois, vous devez faire face à un assaut des croisés aux portes de votre château.

Castle Ralf, by Doug Clutter and Steve Vance
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

In this puzzle-filled escape game, you play as someone who was trying to drive to Hat City, but you got lost, then lost a tire, then got trapped inside Castle Ralf when the drawbridge collapsed into...
Catapole, by Adrien Saurat
Average member rating: (4 ratings)
« On a terminé ? — Non, il reste la 112… — Encore ? J’en peux plus ! — Courage, on a presque fini. » Quand faut y aller, faut y aller… En tant que jeune ramoneur plein d’avenir, vous êtes,...

City of Dead Leaves, by Felix Pleșoianu
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

There's nothing left in your life. There's nothing left in anyone's life. Will he even remember you after all this time? Will he want you back? ...

Comédie, by Monsieur Bouc
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

An entry in the 2015 French Comp. "C'est l'hiver et la nuit a déjà commencé de tomber. Les révèrbères alignés dans la rue se reflètent sur les vitrines. Quelques voitures passent, faisant grand bruit...

Cryptozookeeper, by Robb Sherwin
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (24 ratings)

Marrow is delicious but that's not why you're here. You're supposed to pick up a single jar of alien bone jelly, which of course can't exist and doesn't exist, so you've convinced yourself that transporting...

The Curse of Rabenstein, by Stefan Vogt
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

"We should try to find a place to stay for the night. The horses need a rest." Those were the coachman's last words before he disappeared without a trace. Lost deep in the Black Forest, you soon find out...

Divine Bonace, by Hugo Labrande
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

An entry in the 2007 French IF Comp.

Don't Mind My Apocalypse Head, by Bruno Dias
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

A social anxiety body horror short story about surviving a dinner party when you are just a little bit possessed by an entity that wants to bring about the end of the universe. Features nine official endings...

Drive-In, by Douglas C. Rogers
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Ekphrasis, by FibreTigre
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

Enigma, by Simon Deimel
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (20 ratings)

Eyes can see, and a mind can think. Insanity is just one step away. You are in a room. That's where you are, and you know exactly what is going on. But the truth is hard to take. The game file includes hints...

Escape Game, by Bryan
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Vous vous réveillez au milieu d’une pièce bien éclairée. Devant vous se trouvent plusieurs écrans, sur le côté, il y a une porte fermée protégée par un code. De l’autre côté de la pièce, il...

Every Day the Same Dream, by Luis Gonzalez
Average member rating: (8 ratings)

Welcome to the rat race. (A text adventure game based on the game by the same name created by

Faute De Servo, by Jack Welch
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

Un homme qui a perdu sa mémoire. Une souris qui a perdu un royaume. Un chien qui a perdu sa famille. Et la scientifique qui sauvera le monde. Avertissement: Ce jeu a du contenu potentiellement dérangeant,...

Firefly, by Indigo
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Vous êtes un homme amélioré, employé pour une mission spéciale par le gouvernement. Les ordres ne cessent de défiler sur l’écran de votre exosquelette. Et si votre mission ne se passait pas comme...

The Forgotten Tavern, by Peter M.J. Gross
Average member rating: (9 ratings)

Max and Diana need your help, although Diana might be reluctant to admit that. You should visit their humble establishment. If you help them with their problems, they can help you with yours. You remember...

Gateway, by Mike Verdu, Michael Lindner, and Glen Dahlgren
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (36 ratings)

In the early twenty-second century, adventurous citizens of Earth can travel to a place called "Gateway": a long-abandoned alien space station, now rediscovered by humans and turned into a jumping-off point...

Go West, by Hugo Labrande
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Dans ce jeu simple et contemplatif, je vous emmène dans les Rocheuses canadiennes, non loin de Calgary, où je vais m'expatrier d'ici peu. Je vous propose une sorte de visite guidée interactive, où je...

Guilded Youth, by Jim Munroe
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (49 ratings)

You play Tony, a fourteen-year old thief who needs some help looting the legendary Oakville Manor. Luckily it's the 1980s and finding fellow adventurers is just a modem squeal away...

Harmonia, by Liza Daly
Average member rating: (76 ratings)

Fuller, A. (b. 1966, d.?) 12 chapters, edited by E. Merchant. 091 Manuscripts—096 Illustrated—098 Prohibited works, forgeries, and hoaxes Signed permission from the Dean required for viewing. No...

I Summon You, by Anna Anthropy
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Interra, by Benjamin Roux
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Après une longue journée de travail, vous rentrez à votre domicile. Vous vous sentez fatigué. Une envie irrésistible d’aller vous coucher vous tente. Vous décidez de vous laisser entraîner par cette...

Irrésistibles possessions, by Nicolas Pérot
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

"Dingue qu'un piaf de merde puisse faire autant chier." Vous étiez en pleine conversation avec Lisa quand cette satanée pie vous a piqué votre téléphone. Mais vous êtes malin, vous avez repéré où...

La Mort Pour Seul Destin, by FibreTigre
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Vous êtes si fatigué… Avec violence, on vous jette à terre. Vous perdez connaissance quelques instants, et vous devinez que l’on vous retire brutalement vos chaînes. « Debout, vaurien ! »

La Secte Noire, by Jean-Claude Lebon,Jean-Pierre Godey

Un grimoire a disparu. Vous devez donc partir à la recherche de ce grimoire. Vous rencontrerez sur votre chemin la secte noire.

Le Camion Frigorifique, by Eric Forgeot

Elle vous cherche encore. « Lucien ! François ! » De sa voix stridente, elle vous appelle. Pas question de la faire attendre. « Lucien ! François ! »

Le jour où la Terre dégusta, by Yakkafo
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

​Vous croyiez devoir finir vos jours à enseigner la linguistique dans un amphithéâtre décrépi, quand la France vient vous confier une mission hors du commun : sauver la Terre d’un quiproquo...

Le kébab hanté, by Hugo Labrande, Yue
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Quelque chose me joue des tours (Postée le : 31/12/2020) Depuis une semaine je remarque choses étranges dans mon restaurant grec/kebab. Des objets bougent de place, je ne retrouve plus des sauces, des...

Le Scarabée et le Katana, by Eric Forgeot
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Your master asked you to find an old artefact hidden in the temple of Susa-no-o, but some shadow warriors are also looking for it...

Les Heures du vent, by Eric Forgeot
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

In a mid-fantasy, medieval world, Zéphyr awakes in the inn of a little village, where the mayor, the magician and the sheriff have strange behaviors. His initial goal is to find a lost book full of...

Les méchants meurent au moins deux fois, by Eric Forgeot
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

Your name is Bohnbe. Jacques Bohnbe. And you are standing atop a medieval castle on the secret island base of your former arch-nemesis Maurice McVile. Former, because he's laying dead in the courtyard below...

Lieux Communs, by FibreTigre, Samuel Verschelde, Eric Forgeot, Hugo Labrande and Jean-Luc Pontico
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Made for the Lovecraft's Common Place project. The player is wandering in a distant place, and discovers an abandoned caravan. After a quick exploration, the player can experience new places and worlds by...

Life On Mars?, by Hugo Labrande
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (7 ratings)

La première mission pour coloniser Mars s'est soldée par un crash horrible, et vous avez miraculeusement survécu... Maintenant, il ne vous reste plus qu'à attendre que la deuxième navette arrive. Plus...

Life On Mars?, by Hugo Labrande
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (18 ratings)

The first mission to colonize Mars ended with a horrible shuttle crash, and it's a miracle you're still alive... Now you just have to wait until the second shuttle gets here. Five more months...

The Lighthouse, by Marius Müller
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

Lighthouses simultaneously stand at the border between land and sea and the border between old and new. They are naturally good settings for secrets. Do you dare visit this one?

Morne Lune, by BALROG
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

Dans la chambre… Ce lit, bien que douillet, ne satisfait plus. Il est probablement déjà très tard, mais impossible de trouver le sommeil… et inutile de se rendormir. Dans l’obscurité… Désormais...

Necrotic Drift, by Robb Sherwin
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (18 ratings)

Necrotic Drift is a survival horror text adventure... but with graphics and sound! An homage to the old Magnetic Scrolls game in presentation, Necrotic Drift follows the story of gaming store employee Jarret...

Nevermore, by pimagides
Average member rating: (1 rating)

You are driving on a slippery road, at sunset. You look down at your phone. What could go wrong? / Vous conduisez sur une route humide, au coucher du soleil. Vous tournez les yeux vers l'écran de votre...

Night City 2020, by Hoper
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Le quartier dans lequel vous déambulez est mal fréquenté, et vous observez avec un certain amusement les gens accélérer le pas pour regagner leur studio, avant que les gangs du quartier ne prennent...

Noir d'Encre, by Nathanaël Marion
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (5 ratings)

Nous étions poursuivis, mon frère et moi. Par ma faute, nous courions au coeur de la forêt pour lui échapper. Je devais le protéger, il n'avait que huit ans. Il s'agissait de mon devoir de grande soeur....

Omeyad, by P. Jouaud, Y. Taillefer, Jean-Paul Renault, Pierre Giroud

Omeyad is an interactive fiction in real time, for Amstrad CPC. Here's the commercial description : « Omeyad est un jeu d'aventure qui pousse la simulation aussi loin que possible. vous y retrouverez...

One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, by David Marques
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

A whimsical Halloween story full of misdirection. Easy, short, with 26 locations. Cover art is licensed by the author from

Panoptique, by Hugo Labrande, Nighten Dushi
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Encore un peu de temps en salle de surveillance, et ça sera l’heure de votre pause. Concentrez vous sur les douze écrans devant vous. Faites un rapport pour chaque comportements suspect ou visant à...

Phone in Mouth, by Leon Arnott
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

Récits de grand-père, by Rémi Verschelde (Akien)
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)
« Pierre, il va bientôt être sept heures, dépêche-toi de rentrer à la maison ! » Vous détournez votre regard de vos billes qui jonchent le sol et regardez votre mère rentrer chez vous en laissant la...

Sarvegne, by Eric Forgeot and Maryam Gousheh-Forgeot (graphics)
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Sire Jehan le Crapouillot, by Nicolas Pérot
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

Farce médiévale réalisée dans le cadre de la jam Nouvim 3000 : aventures textuelles de 501 à 3000 mots ayant pour thème "Infamie".

Snow, by Sethaniel
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

A story told in pieces of memory, about a boy, the girl he loved, and snow.

Space Punk Moon Tour, by J_J
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

You are nineteen-year-old Tina Tessler: missing father, dead mother, and plagued by nightmares of things you can’t quite remember. You just won a ticket to see your favorite band. So, pack your bags and...

Speak French, by Claire6129
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Have you ever gone to a place where you feel dumb because everyone is talking french? Well, no more! Now you can learn the bassics and learn how to say a full sentence in french!! ...

Tempête sur les bermudes (remake), by Stéphane Wiart, Christophe Bourrier and Philippe Bousquet

QUITTEZ L’ILE SUR LAQUELLE VOUS VOUS ETES ÉCHOUÉ APRES UNE VIOLENTE TEMPÊTE Votre gout prononcé pour l’aventure et les sardines à l’huile vous a poussé à participer à la transat en solitaire....

This Is A Real Thing That Happened, by Carolyn VanEseltine
Average member rating: (13 ratings)

This short game was created for RuinJam 2015.

Three More Visitors, by Paul Stanley
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (10 ratings)

Christmas Eve! You tell Bob to go home early; tidy up a little, and lock up the office shortly after four. You look on the old brass plate, which still reads “Scrooge & Marley”, probably for the last...

Tin Star, by Allen Gies
Average member rating: (11 ratings)

Ride out into the Old West as a U.S. marshal! Confront outlaws, find romance, challenge Indians, defy the elements and craft an enduring legend as you uncover a conspiracy whose deadly web stretches from San...

Ungodly hour, by Simon Deimel
Stephane F.'s rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

You wake up in the middle of the night. Was there some sound in your apartment? The sound of footfalls? You feel that something is wrong, so should you dare to explore? By now you are lying in your bed and...

Varkana, by Maryam Gousheh-Forgeot
Average member rating: (25 ratings)

Varkana is the name of a region in a world with a timeless, mildy fantasy/sci-fi setting (some technological and magical elements are present at this moment, but not prevalent), with the city-state of Arg...

Works of Fiction, by FibreTigre
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

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