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Noir d'Encre

by Nathanaël Marion profile

Inform 7

(based on 5 ratings)
1 review5 members have played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

Nous étions poursuivis, mon frère et moi. Par ma faute, nous courions au coeur de la forêt pour lui échapper. Je devais le protéger, il n'avait que huit ans. Il s'agissait de mon devoir de grande soeur. Mais où aller, quand tout se ressemblait ? Soudain, mon frère me montra quelque chose, derrière les arbres : "Regarde, Nevena, là-bas !" Nous étions sauvés. Cette vieille bâtisse allait nous abriter jusqu'au matin. Jusqu'au matin... Vraiment ?


2nd Place - French Comp 2013

Ratings and Reviews

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Average Rating: based on 5 ratings
Number of Reviews Written by IFDB Members: 1
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Somewhat cruel, but worth playing, February 2, 2014

Noire d'Encre is a puzzlefest on a short fuse. Or rather, it's a game in which you have to find a lot of objects to solve a lot things, and you're on (what for me felt like) a very cruel timer. I'd say it's probably impossible to win on the first playthrough. If you're the sort that would take that as a challenge, have at it!

All that having been said, it is definitely worth playing, and it's worth playing in the dark, wearing headphones, at low- to mid-level volume. The game is laced with pretty awesome sound effects that are effective (difficult to pull off in IF!) and add to the game play.

In the long run, I'd love to see a second release of this that has a more merciful timer, an explanation as to how the PC came to be where she is, and a little brother with a bit more personality, but this first release is nevertheless a lot of fun. I'm very glad to have experienced it and I definitely won't forget it.

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Game Details

Language: French (fr)
First Publication Date: January 10, 2014
Current Version: Unknown
License: Freeware
Development System: Inform 7
IFID: 53728DDD-2653-4C0D-899E-A767CE379910
TUID: ylkl8140si1wxttr

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Good Games in French/Bons jeux en français by thecanvasrose
I've recently reached an intermediate level of French speaking at my university. I can easily read relatively straightforward sentences, that is, but writing which is highly poetic or archaic I will not understand. I think I know French...

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