Sex in non-adult IF - an IFDB Poll

by Ferret From Hell
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It struck me the other day that sex is one thing that actually seems to feature rarely in IF. What games are there, other than out and out AIF, that give prominence to sex or sex scenes? The only ones that immediately spring to mind are the flashbacks to child abuse in works like Beyond or Anchorhead, and I'm thinking more about consensual adult sex. So what works out there actually include it?

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I-0, by Anonymous
4 votes
"Meaningful Choices" [+]"Meaningful Choices: This game can get very naughty or stay pretty darned clean, all depending on the way you want to play it." () --Ghalev... "Short but fun" [+]"Short but fun" --Chuckles... "It's less obvious there are any sex scenes in this game" [+]"It's less obvious there are any sex scenes in this game: It was a toss-up between this and Chicks Dig Jerks, but that game has as a starting plot your goal of getting two girls' phone numbers at a "meat market" bar. Here, you're just trying to get home with a car broken down in the middle of nowhere." ( - Full review) --mjhayes... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Karl Ove Hufthammer...

Ferret From Hell says: I had forgotten this. Good point.

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Leather Goddesses of Phobos, by Steve Meretzky
3 votes
"Infocom's Bawdy Serial Matinee" [+]"Infocom's Bawdy Serial Matinee: The game includes opt-in levels of language naughtiness, and multiple sex-scenes, both strongly implicit and in some cases very gently explicit. You can also play as a man or a woman, with your sidekick gender-swapped appropriately." () --Ghalev... "PG-13 but still loads of fun" [+]"PG-13 but still loads of fun" --Chuckles... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Fredrik...

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Treasures of a Slaver's Kingdom, by S. John Ross
3 votes
"Several implicit, playful sex-scenes" [+]"Several implicit, playful sex-scenes: are part of the game's natural progression, as the barbarian hero builds his relationship (both personal and professional) with Vessa, the Delicate Doxy. The scenes are "fade to black" as far as the details go, but there's no ambiguity." --Ghalev... "Displays that could Stun!" [+]"Displays that could Stun!: Qualifying stats for the doxy class are LEA and LUC in the Encounter Critical system." --DB... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk...

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Blue Lacuna, by Aaron A. Reed
3 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Sam Kabo Ashwell... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk...

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Chicks Dig Jerks, by Robb Sherwin
3 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sam Kabo Ashwell... (No comment) [+](No comment) --matt w (Matt Weiner)... "Yes. Hitting on..." [+]"Yes. Hitting on patrons in the bar can lead to some... scenes." () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Nemesis Macana, by Herman Schudspeer, Victor Gijsbers
2 votes
"Contains an AIF-like scene, but is certainly not AIF; it is very much about sex." [+]"Contains an AIF-like scene, but is certainly not AIF; it is very much about sex." --Victor Gijsbers... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --CMG...

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Mentula Macanus: Apocolocyntosis, by One of the Bruces and Drunken Bastard
2 votes
"Sex both sexy and strange" [+]"Sex both sexy and strange: Of course, some folks might insist that this game qualifies as "out and out AIF," but such folk, I'd hazard to guess, are going to get a lot less laid than our hero. Notable for overt (pleasantly no-big-deal) bisexuality, also." () --Ghalev... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol...

Ferret From Hell says: This is indeed funny as hell, but not really what I was thinking of. I perhaps should have been more specific. This is a bit like if I was asking about films and got Carry on Camping when I was hoping for Don't Look Now. Both fine works in their own way, but not really what I had in mind.

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The Sky in the Room, by Porpentine
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Porpentine... "Features an..." [+]"Features an explicit (though hardly pornographic) sex scene near the end" --Christina Nordlander...

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Cannery Vale, by Hanon Ondricek (as Keanhid Connor)
2 votes
"Contains sex if you go looking for it" [+]"Contains sex if you go looking for it: The sex scenes are not mandatory to finish the game, and players may be locked out of them based on the prose-explicitness setting." --Hanon Ondricek... "Another perfect..." [+]"Another perfect choice." () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Zero Sum Game, by Cody Sandifer
2 votes
"One puzzle need..." [+]"One puzzle need to be solved by a naughty act *cough* bondage *cough*, and the player gets to choose a gender in the beginning of the game." --DustyCypress... "Has optional..." [+]"Has optional sexual content (more aimed towards comedy than titillation). The PC can also listen in on two other characters having sex" ( - Full review) --Christina Nordlander...

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robotsexpartymurder, by Hanon Ondricek
2 votes
"Definitely Adult, not just AIF" [+]"Definitely Adult, not just AIF: I'm sure RSPM could be classified as AIF, but hopefully it transcends that niche." --Hanon Ondricek... "THE game that..." [+]"THE game that comes to mind. Tons of adult content without becoming AIF. Ultimately, it is a mystery with a fantastic story." () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Midnight. Swordfight., by Chandler Groover
1 vote
"Features one..." [+]"Features one sexually explicit scene, and an NPC who's walking around naked (with genitals you can examine)." () --Christina Nordlander...

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Punk Points, by Jim Munroe
1 vote
"One possible..." [+]"One possible ending involves the PC having a sexual encounter." () --Christina Nordlander...

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Cryptozookeeper, by Robb Sherwin
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Sam Kabo Ashwell...

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Unraveling God, by Todd Watson
1 vote
"Science professor..." [+]"Science professor PC seduces a grad student. Some descriptions and allusions to sex, post-coital conversation." ( - Full review) --DB...

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500 Apocalypses, by Phantom Williams
1 vote
"sometimes the apocalypse is weirdly horny" [+]"sometimes the apocalypse is weirdly horny: the one where you and your dad masturbate into giant ant queen comes to mind" --Arin...

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Desert Heat, by Papillon
1 vote
"Optional sex scenes" [+]"Optional sex scenes" () --EJ...

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an apple from nowhere, by Brendan Barnwell
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Sam Kabo Ashwell...

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El Archipiélago, by Pablo Martínez Merino (AKA Depresiv)
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --IFforL2...

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Aisle, by Sam Barlow
1 vote
"At least one..." [+]"At least one possibility involves sexytimes (sorry, been reading too much Dinosaur Comics)." --matt w (Matt Weiner)...

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Rover's Day Out, by Jack Welch and Ben Collins-Sussman
1 vote
"Pretty..." [+]"Pretty borderline; the actual sex is offstage, but the byplay between the characters has some erotic banter, and there's some onstage nudity in a way that is kind of confusing to explain." --matt w (Matt Weiner)...

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Masq, by AlterAction
1 vote
"PC can have an affair" [+]"PC can have an affair" () --jakomo...

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Fallacy of Dawn, by Robb Sherwin
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Meredith...

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The Dream-Trap of Zzar, by S. John Ross
1 vote
"Adolescent Sexuality" [+]"Adolescent Sexuality: The entire game's goal is to make a "dry" dream into a "wet" one, to defeat a pulpy villain. Nobody has any sex at all, really, but the entire game is focused on sexuality and sexual imagery, of a kind. Plus monkeys. Lots of monkeys." --Ghalev...

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Mercy, by Chris Klimas
1 vote
"It's not immediately obvious" [+]"It's not immediately obvious: If you stand outside your office on the third floor and listen, there will be a telltale sign that your colleague, in his office across the hall, is in the middle of lovemaking. His wife died (probably from the smallpox outbreak) a week ago, so it's safe to assume he has a call girl in his office." --mjhayes...

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SPY INTRIGUE, by furkle
1 vote
"there is at least one pretty explicit scene" [+]"there is at least one pretty explicit scene" ( - Full review) --autumnc...

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Poll created on March 20, 2012