6th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2000)
The annual competition for original IF, judged by the readership of rec.arts.int-fiction.
Games and Awards
Search for games 1st Place:
Kaged, by Ian Finley
2nd Place:
Metamorphoses, by Emily Short
3rd Place:
Being Andrew Plotkin, by J. Robinson Wheeler
4th Place:
Ad Verbum, by Nick Montfort
5th Place:
Transfer, by Tod Levi
6th Place:
My Angel, by Jon Ingold
7th Place:
Nevermore, by Nate Cull
8th Place:
Masquerade, by Kathleen M. Fischer
9th Place:
Yes, Another Game with a Dragon!, by John Kean
10th Place:
Shade, by Andrew Plotkin
11th Place:
Guess the Verb!, by Leonard Richardson
12th Place:
Letters from Home, by Roger Firth
13th Place:
Rameses, by Stephen Bond
14th Place:
The Djinni Chronicles, by J. D. Berry
15th Place:
The Best Man, by Rob Menke
16th Place:
And the Waves Choke the Wind, by Gunther Schmidl
17th Place:
At Wit's End, by Mike Sousa
18th Place:
Dinner with Andre, by Liza Daly
19th Place:
Planet of the Infinite Minds, by Alfredo Garcia
20th Place:
The Big Mama, by Brendan Barnwell
21st Place:
The End Means Escape, by Steve Kodat
22nd Place:
Punk Points, by Jim Munroe
23rd Place (tie):
A Crimson Spring, by Robb Sherwin
23rd Place (tie):
Enlisted, by G.F. Berry
25th Place:
Futz Mutz, by Tim Simmons
26th Place:
Return to Zork: Another Story, by Stefano Canali
27th Place:
Unnkulia X, by Valentine Kopteltsev
28th Place:
Desert Heat, by Papillon
29th Place:
Got ID?, by Marc Valhara
30th Place:
Castle Amnos, by John Evans
31st Place:
Masque of the Last Faeries, by Ian Ball
32nd Place:
The Pickpocket, by Alex Weldon
33rd Place:
The Trip, by Cameron Wilkin
34th Place:
Happy Ever After, by Robert M. Camisa
35th Place:
Prodly the Puffin, by Jim Crawford and Craig Timpany
36th Place:
Withdrawal Symptoms, by Niclas Carlsson
37th Place:
Aftermath, by Graham Somerville
38th Place:
The Clock, by Cleopatra Kozlowski
39th Place:
Wrecked, by Campbell Wild
40th Place:
Threading the Labyrinth, by Kevin F. Doughty
41st Place:
Void: Corporation, by Jonathan Lim
42nd Place:
1-2-3..., by Chris Mudd
43rd Place:
Escape from Crulistan, by Alan Smithee
44th Place:
Stupid Kittens, by Marc Valhara
45th Place:
Marooned, by Bruce Davis
46th Place:
Al Otro Lado, by Antonio Márquez Marín
47th Place:
Jarod's Journey, by Tim Emmerich
48th Place:
Infil-traitor, by Chris Charla
49th Place:
Comp00ter Game, by Brendan Barnwell
50th Place:
Little Billy, by Okey Ikeako
51st Place:
Asendent, by Nate Cull and Doug Jones
52nd Place:
What-IF?, by David Ledgard
53rd Place:
Breaking the Code, by Gunther Schmidl
Miss Congeniality Awards
The top games as voted by the authors of the entries.
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