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fixed competition release
MS-DOS Application
original competition release (buggy)
MS-DOS Application
Announcement of bug fix
Part of fake manual
Part of fake manual
Author's notes (extended story of rediscovering game written in 1982, entirely fictional)
Part of fake manual
Part of fake manual

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by Chris Charla

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(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game. It's on 2 wishlists.

About the Story

"This is a vintage 1981, never released, adventure game. Check out the read me for more info. Take a trip back in time with Infil-Traitor! (Note: this should take you about 20 minutes to complete.) An exe for PC is included, as is a Mac file that runs on the freeware Chipmunk BASIC (http://www.nicholson.com/rhn/basic/) and source code for C64 and Apple II." [--blurb from Competition Aught-Zero]


Ratings and Reviews

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
An old homebrew parser game about infiltrating a party, August 1, 2017
by MathBrush
Related reviews: about 1 hour

This is an old game that was released in IFComp purporting to be from 1981, complete with an old manual.

It was, rather, a new (for 2000) homebrew parser game about being a spy. I found the parser difficult to wrangle with and the story hard to piece together.

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2 Off-Site Reviews

Baf's Guide

This game is a mystification of sorts: its author passed it off as a text adventure from the early 1980-s he'd found in a shop by accident. This probably predestined the choice of the game's main theme - you're a CIA agent who has got to steal some secret plans from the Soviets. The game parser seems weak even by the standards of those old times; it's a very limited, two-word one, and doesn't support system commands like SAVE, RESTORE, UNDO (heck, even RESTART and QUIT aren't recognized!) Combined with a time limit, and only occasional mentioning of available exits in room descriptions (this annoying characteristic is diminished somewhat, because Infil-traitor is only aware of the 4 cardinal directions), this almost inevitably provides for a few (and with less clever players like myself for QUITE a few) program terminations, which accompany the PC's death in this work of IF. The puzzles are trivial for the most part (there has been one puzzle I've found enjoyable, but I suspect it only has impressed me by contrast to other puzzles therein). On the positive side, Infil-traitor featured some wonderfully rude jokes that made it worth playing for me (I'm fond of black humour), and earned the game's rating an extra star.

-- Valentine Kopteltsev

I was pleasantly surprised at finding this piece of nostalgia so far down the list of games. Don't be put off by its poor rating in the competition, this is a must play for text adventure enthusiasts.
-- Dorothy Millard
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