
Results for Magpie Takes the Train
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The Strange Resort

, by Sam (1985)

Top Secret

, by Sam (1985)
(1 rating)

The Lost World

, by Sam (1985)

The Eamon Railroad

, by Sam (1985)

Planet of Death

by Richard Turner, Chris Thornton
(2 ratings)

Inca Curse

by Charles Cecil

The Keys of the Kingdom

, by Anonymous (1988)

Songtan: The Next Morning

, by Loren Scott (1989)

Questprobe Featuring: The Human Torch and The Thing

by Scott Adams
(1 rating)

Catch That Haggis

, by Adam Biltcliffe (2001)

The Search for the Key

, by Donald Brown (1985)
(1 rating)

Operation Crab Key

, by Joe Vercellone (1984)


, by Roger Pender (1984)
(1 rating)

The Deep Canyon

, by Kenn Blincoe (1984)
(1 rating)

The Search for Yourself

, by Don Doumakes (1984)

The Dragonstar Trilogy

by Fergus McNeill

The Big Sleaze

by Fergus McNeill
(3 ratings)

Bored of the Rings

by Fergus McNeill
(5 ratings)

The Boggit

by Fergus McNeill and Judith Child
(4 ratings)

The Eye of Bain

by Simon Wadsworth
(1 rating)

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