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by Linus Ersson


(based on 1 rating)
1 review1 member has played this game. It's on 1 wishlist.

About the Story

"The word golem occurs once in the Bible in Psalm 139:16, which uses the word גלמי, meaning " my unshaped form. In modern hebrew golem is used to mean "dumb" or "helpless". Similarly, it is often used today as a metaphor for a brainless lunk or entity who serves man under controlled conditions but is hostile to him and others. "Golem" passed into as goylem to mean someone who is clumsy or slow. " Wikipedia

He's unshaped, a misfit, ugly and repulsive, clumsy and horryfying. He is different. In my game there will be several paths the player can follow to achieve Golems respect and/or esteem. He can choose to go down the evil path, spreading fear, killing and looting which will result in hatred and horror. He can ally with the feudal bad guys, assisting the tyrant and achieve power to control the people, or on the other hand ally with the people against the tyrant, and be the beloved hero.

My game will be romantic, exciting and beautiful but also ugly, messy and scaring.

This game will serve as part of the storyline for an adventure platform game I'm developing for mobile platforms. Read more at the Golem game blog (https://golemgame.blogspot.com/). The blog is old but I have recently begun working on the game again as an art project.

As I'm not native english speaking there might be some english language misspellings and other faults. Sorry about that and please comment on the game if you find something like that. I consider this first publishing as a beta test of the storyboard, so feel free to express what you think about it.

Ratings and Reviews

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Interesting story, but needs polish, July 23, 2019

This isn't really a review, more like first impressions combined with a bug report.

I found the game really interesting and emotional. I liked the protagonist and had a lot of fun trying to (Spoiler - click to show)be as nice and gentle a golem as possible (at the same time dreading I may go down the same road Frankenstein's creature did).

However, the technical side prevented me from really enjoying the game. There were some spelling mistakes, but much worse were the bugs. I found a passage where one of the possible choices didn't work because of some missing formatting (I saw the link name - passage name Twine structure instead of a functioning link). I found a place where I could raise my stats indefinitely (Spoiler - click to show)(during the conversation with the soldier on the road, by asking him the questions over and over again). Finally, I ended in a passage with no links to go forward (Spoiler - click to show)(during the first conversation with the duke in his throne room) and stopped playing.

I'm not rating the game yet because it definitely needs some testing. The story has potential, but I couldn't rate it high right now because of the technical issues. When the game gets updated, however, I'll gladly give it another try.

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