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, by Chris Mudd (2000)
(9 ratings)

Dracula Episode 2: The Arrival

by Mapache, Rod Pike, El Clérigo Urbatain
(2 ratings)


by Chris Molloy Wischer
(18 ratings)

Rippled Flesh

, by Ryan Stevens (1996)
(2 ratings)

The Sisters

, by revgiblet (2006)
(14 ratings)

Frankenstein's Legacy

, by John Olsen (1992)

Necrotic Drift

by Robb Sherwin
(18 ratings)

La Mansión

by Incanus
(2 ratings)

The Ghost Train

, by Paul T. Johnson (2003)
(3 ratings)

Well of the Great Ones

, by Mike Ellis (1995)
(1 rating)

Cattus Atrox

, by David Cornelson (1998)
(14 ratings)

Little Blue Men

by Michael S. Gentry
(69 ratings)

Where Evil Dwells

, by Steve Owens and Paul T. Johnson (1998)
(4 ratings)

The Awakening

, by Dennis Matheson (1998)
(29 ratings)

The Smirking Horror

, by Anonymous (1988)

New England Gothic

, by Simba (1991)
(2 ratings)

House of the Stalker

, by Jason Clayton White (1996)
(4 ratings)

Scary House Amulet!

, by Ricardo Dague (2002)
(11 ratings)

Dracula Part 1: The First Night

by El Clérigo Urbatain and DEF and Rod Pike
(3 ratings)

The Granite Book

, by James Mitchelhill (2002)
(10 ratings)
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