
Results for Brain Guzzlers from Beyond!
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Escape from the Starship Zenon

, by Andrew Gawthorpe (2000)
(1 rating)

Rings for Bony Fingers

, by John Olsen (1992)
(2 ratings)


, by Russell Glasser (1996)
(8 ratings)

Save Princeton

, by Jacob Weinstein and Karine Schaefer (1991)
(6 ratings)

Robots - Another abuse of the Z-machine

, by Torbjörn Andersson (1995)
(3 ratings)

Rippled Flesh

, by Ryan Stevens (1996)
(2 ratings)

The Meteor, the Stone and a Long Glass of Sherbet

by Graham Nelson (as Angela M. Horns)
(49 ratings)

Journey to Alpha Centauri (In Real Time)

, by Julian Fleetwood (1998)
(5 ratings)


, by David Ledgard (2000)
(13 ratings)

Breaking the Code

, by Gunther Schmidl (2000)
(3 ratings)

Dead of Winter

, by Gunther Schmidl (as 'Christina Pagniacci') (2001)
(15 ratings)

Pathway to Destruction

by Richard Otter
(7 ratings)

Agent 4-F From Mars

, by Michael Arnaud (2004)
(2 ratings)

Palace of Shadows

, by Christos Stogiannopoulos (2005)

Quest for the Magic Healing Plant

, by Adam G. Crutchlow (1995)
(3 ratings)

Sins Against Mimesis

, by Adam Thornton (1997)
(22 ratings)


, by Jeffrey Hersh (1993)
(2 ratings)

Lost New York

, by Neil deMause (1996)
(19 ratings)

The Lost Spellmaker

, by Neil James Brown (1997)
(10 ratings)

The Coast House

, by Stephen Newton and Dan Newton (2001)
(6 ratings)
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