You know like with lots of puzzles you have to solve.
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The Mulldoon Legacy, by Jon Ingold 6 votes "Good variety of puzzles" [+]"Good variety of puzzles: Puzzles are varied and tough." --BrettW... "I confess I never..." [+]"I confess I never finished it. Because it was really hard." () --Emily Short... "I did finish this..." [+]"I did finish this game, and yes, it is hard. The gold standard of huge puzzlefests." --David Welbourn... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --zer... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Bernie... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk... Vote for this game | |
Curses, by Graham Nelson 5 votes "A vast amount of puzzles." [+]"A vast amount of puzzles." --Victor Gijsbers... "Loads of puzzles" [+]"Loads of puzzles: Some are a little obscure or unfair, but mostly are great." --BrettW... (No comment) [+](No comment) --perching path... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --zer... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --shornet... Vote for this game | |
Jigsaw, by Graham Nelson 4 votes "One of the puzzles is an enigma machine." [+]"One of the puzzles is an enigma machine." --C.E.J. Pacian... "Some puzzles so..." [+]"Some puzzles so difficult that even after playing through with a walkthrough I am still a little baffled. Lots of fun, though." () --Emily Short... (No comment) [+](No comment) --perching path... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk... Vote for this game | |
Deadline, by Marc Blank 3 votes "Neat, but..." [+]"Neat, but insanely difficult and by modern standards unfair -- expect to play over and over to learn the timing of events." ( - Full review) --Emily Short... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Drew Cook... Vote for this game | |
A Change in the Weather, by Andrew Plotkin 2 votes "Hellishly difficult" [+]"Hellishly difficult: Great game, but an 11 on the difficulty meter." --alblazek... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk... Vote for this game | |
Parc, by John Rennie 2 votes "Parc" [+]"Parc: Extremely tough puzzles in the tradition of Phoenix games. Chemistry graduates may do well but the rest will struggle!" ( - Full review) --Canalboy... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --shornet... Vote for this game | |
Not Just an Ordinary Ballerina, by Jim Aikin 2 votes (No comment) [+](No comment) --Gemma Bristow... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Bernie... Vote for this game | |
Praser 5, by Andrew Plotkin 2 votes "I can't imagine..." [+]"I can't imagine ever being able to beat this incredibly dense textual maze." --araniere... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --shornet... Vote for this game | |
So Far, by Andrew Plotkin 2 votes "Cruel." [+]"Cruel." () --Emily Short... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --zer... Vote for this game | |
Spellbreaker, by Dave Lebling 2 votes (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --tggdan3... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Drew Cook... Vote for this game | |
Cragne Manor, by Ryan Veeder, Jenni Polodna, Adam Whybray, Adri, Andrew Plotkin, Andy Holloway, Austin Auclair, Baldur Brückner, Ben Collins-Sussman, Bill Maya, Brian Rushton, Buster Hudson, Caleb Wilson, Carl Muckenhoupt, Chandler Groover, Chris Jones, Christopher Conley, Damon L. Wakes, Daniel Ravipinto, Daniel Stelzer, David Jose, David Petrocco, David Sturgis, Drew Mochak, Edward B, Emily Short, Erica Newman, Feneric, Finn Rosenløv, Gary Butterfield, Gavin Inglis, Greg Frost, Hanon Ondricek, Harkness Munt, Harrison Gerard, Ian Holmes, Ivan Roth, Jack Welch, Jacqueline Ashwell, James Eagle, Jason Dyer, Jason Lautzenheiser, Jason Love, Jeremy Freese, Joey Jones, Joshua Porch, Justin de Vesine, Justin Melvin, Katherine Morayati, Kenneth Pedersen, Lane Puetz, Llew Mason, Lucian Smith, Marco Innocenti, Marius Müller, Mark Britton, Mark Sample, Marshal Tenner Winter, Matt Schneider, Matt Weiner, Matthew Korson, Michael Fessler, Michael Gentry, Michael Hilborn, Michael Lin, Mike Spivey, Molly Ying, Monique Padelis, Naomi Hinchen, Nate Edwards, Petter Sjölund, Q Pheevr, Rachel Spitler, Reed Lockwood, Reina Adair, Riff Conner, Roberto Colnaghi, Rowan Lipkovits, Sam Kabo Ashwell, Scott Hammack, Sean M. Shore, Shin, Wade Clarke, Zach Hodgens, Zack Johnson 1 vote "A game full of very difficult puzzles" [+]"A game full of very difficult puzzles" ( - Full review) --MathBrush... Vote for this game | |
Acheton, by Jon Thackray, David Seal, and Jonathan Partington 1 vote "Old style cave crawl but tougher than a turtle's carapace." [+]"Old style cave crawl but tougher than a turtle's carapace.: Acheton. Enormous game with an acceptable two word parser from Phoenix but unfairly difficult puzzles. The lamp also has a very parsimonious timer which is unforgiveable in my opinion given the size and complexity of the game. A typo also counts as a turn." ( - Full review) --Canalboy... Vote for this game | |
The Mulldoon Murders, by Jon Ingold 1 vote "Although nowhere..." [+]"Although nowhere near as large as The Mulldoon Legacy, this sequel will still give your brain a workout." --David Welbourn... Vote for this game | |
Quondam, by Rod Underwood and Peter Killworth 1 vote "Possibly harder than Acheton from the same Phoenix stable. The hardest game I have ever played." [+]"Possibly harder than Acheton from the same Phoenix stable. The hardest game I have ever played.: Boy is this tough. Type SAVE and you will die. From there on in the mind boggling puzzles just keep coming. Easy to put in an unwinnable position too." ( - Full review) --Canalboy... Vote for this game | |
Fish!, by John Molloy, Pete Kemp, Phil South, Rob Steggles 1 vote (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk... Vote for this game | |
Reefer Island, by Steve Barrera 1 vote "Evocative and evil." [+]"Evocative and evil.: Having played over 500 text adventures this is in the vanguard of difficulty. It is extremely easy to render the game unwinnable and not realise it; the deceptive soft lock is the most insidious device in the history of these games. It is counterbalanced by excellent writing and clever choreography." () --Canalboy... Vote for this game | |
Fyleet, by Jonathan Partington 1 vote "Another unforgiving Phoenix mainframe game. Very large and very difficult. " [+]"Another unforgiving Phoenix mainframe game. Very large and very difficult. : Everything from Marcel Proust to Hohenzellorn helmets in this one. If you have laboured long on the Phoenix canon you will know what to expect. Don't forget your prayer mat!" ( - Full review) --Canalboy... Vote for this game | |
Sorcerer, by Steve Meretzky 1 vote "best puzzles..." [+]"best puzzles ever: the coal mine, the glass maze. " ( - Full review) --tggdan3... Vote for this game | |
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams and Steve Meretzky 1 vote (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Denk... Vote for this game | |
Finding Martin, by G.K. Wennstrom 1 vote "Lots of puzzles..." [+]"Lots of puzzles and toys. Difficult!" --David Welbourn... Vote for this game | |