
Canberra, Australia

Member since December 8, 2007
Last visited October 23, 2024
Profile ID (TUID): tvbkd21v1f9osjyi

Interactive Fiction by BrettW

Hand Me Down, by Brett Witty (2023)
(10 ratings)
Ruby Walker takes a hesitant bus ride to the hospital where her father has spent the last nine months. But he has not called her there to discuss his condition. With James, her supportive partner...

Mix Tape, by Brett Witty (2005)
(8 ratings)

The delicate art of a mix tape can be your own expression through others' poetry.

One True Love, by BrettW (2024)
(2 ratings)
Through your pluck (and a little bit of luck) you have defeated your evil stepmother and brought lasting peace to the kingdom. Your last quest: rescue your one true love trapped by a horrible...

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Polls by BrettW

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Reviews by BrettW

Final Call, by Emily Stewart, Zoe Danieli   September 2, 2024
"In Final Call, you play a down-on-your-luck con man. But unsympathetically so: you've seemingly ditched your partner Mike at a previous..." - See the full review

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