Bound by human frailties??? - an IFDB Poll

by Stickz
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I'm looking for games where the PC is faced with needs like eating, sleeping, and thirst. Unusual inventory limitations. Things that make them appear a little more human.

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The Edifice, by Lucian P. Smith
4 votes
"Hunger and thirst in the second challenge" [+]"Hunger and thirst in the second challenge" --SarahTheEntwife... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --IFforL2... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Planetfall, by Steve Meretzky
3 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Ghalev... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Eriorg... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Ant-Fan...

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Hunter, in Darkness, by Andrew Plotkin
2 votes
"Frail as it gets." [+]"Frail as it gets.: Despite the protagonist clearly being a reasonably fit specimen, this game is (again, not mechanistically but dramatically) one of the clearest examples I know of "human frailty" in IF, as it explores the "cave crawl" from the perspective of someone literally (sometimes) crawling in a cave ... It's not long before you really feel your knees hurt, your skin raw, and in every way feel the danger of your predicament in a very human way." () --Ghalev... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol...

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Dangerous Curves, by Irene Callaci
2 votes
"Human reality" [+]"Human reality: The NPC in this game needs to both sleep and eat, adding a great touch of humanity to the character." () --diddlescatter... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Enchanter, by Marc Blank, Dave Lebling
2 votes
(No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --tggdan3... "Eating, drinking,..." [+]"Eating, drinking, sleeping, inventory limit: by far the most irritant aspects of the game." ( - Full review) --Victor Gijsbers...

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1893: A World's Fair Mystery, by Peter Nepstad
1 vote
"You have to eat..." [+]"You have to eat and sleep. " --dogdennings...

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El extraño caso de Randolph Dwight, by El Clérigo Urbatain
1 vote
"Spanish Language. The PC is really vulnerable in the dark." [+]"Spanish Language. The PC is really vulnerable in the dark." () --IFforL2...

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Snowquest, by Eric Eve
1 vote
"Brrr!" [+]"Brrr!: Snowquest doesn't have any modeling mechanism, per se, for dealing with its human frailty of choice (the need for warmth), but there are some very evocative story-puzzle bits that drive home a definite sense of "human frailty." On the other hand ... well, that would be spoilery :)" () --Ghalev...

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Barsoom Adventure #1: The Lost City, by Susan Schnitger
1 vote
"In order to..." [+]"In order to survive, the player has to drink. Wine. Lots." () --Fredrik...

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CosmoServe: an Adventure Game for the BBS-Enslaved, by Judith Pintar
1 vote
"There is a point..." [+]"There is a point near the start of the game where the protagonist is hungry but only has an expired and unappealing microwaveable dinner in the freezer. They have to find an alternative before they pass out from hunger." --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Pulgas al Rescate, by Billy Fernández
1 vote
"Spanish Language. Fleas have human (cough) needs, too." [+]"Spanish Language. Fleas have human (cough) needs, too." () --IFforL2...

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Red Planet, by Conrad Knopf
1 vote
"A critically..." [+]"A critically timed puzzle requires you to drink or die of thirst, then go to the toilet or die of a burst bladder." () --Fredrik...

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Building, by Poster
1 vote
"Inventory limitations" [+]"Inventory limitations: The main character can only carry so much. Some people really hated that part. " ( - Full review) --AmberShards...

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Divis Mortis, by Lynnea Dally
1 vote
"Player has to..." [+]"Player has to cure the character of her headache and hunger pangs in a zombie apocalypse." () --glassmice...

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The Lurking Horror, by Dave Lebling
1 vote
"Don't fall..." [+]"Don't fall asleep. " () --o0pyromancer0o...

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Deep Space Drifter, by Michael J. Roberts and Steve McAdams
1 vote
"You can lose the..." [+]"You can lose the game from hunger if you do not eat after a while. The player has to eat throughout the game using rations, leftovers, and anything else they find." --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Sorcerer, by Steve Meretzky
1 vote
"The eating and..." [+]"The eating and drinking part goes away after you drink a potion at the beginning of the game, but the sleeping stays around. " ( - Full review) --tggdan3...

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Savoir-Faire, by Emily Short
1 vote
"The first puzzle..." [+]"The first puzzle is cooking a dish and eating it before fainting from hunger." --DustyCypress...

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Book and Volume, by Nick Montfort
1 vote
"Need to eat and..." [+]"Need to eat and sleep. If you collapse from lack of eating or sleeping, they take you away." --Kinetic Mouse Car...

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Spellbreaker, by Dave Lebling
1 vote
"Sleeping only" [+]"Sleeping only" ( - Full review) --tggdan3...

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Is there another game that you think should be on this list? Just fill in the title of a game you'd like to vote for.
Game Title (or TUID or IFID):

Poll created on June 23, 2010