Polls with votes for Lost Pig

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Games for introducing teens and tweens to interactive fiction - 31 votes for 24 games; created January 10, 2024
A poll by albie
Looking for Twine games (ideally) that are appropriate for 10-16 year olds. Bonus points if it has an interesting/fun story or showcases...

The most enjoyable Z-code games - 74 votes for 28 games; created June 16, 2022
A poll by Fredrik Ramsberg
I'd like to compile a list of some of the most enjoyable games available in Z-code format (blorbed or not). Please add games that you...

Kid-Appropriate Games - 22 votes for 13 games; created June 9, 2019
A poll by Princessthe1st
I'm looking for games for middle-schoolers, that are hard and fun but still appropriate.

Games good for reading aloud to someone else - 11 votes for 9 games; created December 24, 2018
A poll by tunesmith
I'm looking for IF that works well for reading aloud to someone else, and then typing in what they would like to do. We like Inform games...

Games where the interaction is really cool and clever - 32 votes for 16 games; created September 26, 2018
A poll by Isa
I'm really interested in games which put a new spin on the mechanics. I'm thinking of a specific one where the narrator is really mean to...

Trying to find a good comedy. - 80 votes for 45 games; created July 31, 2017
A poll by H. W. Wiliams
I'm hoping to find a good comedy IF title. I've been away for a while and want a good laugh before I head back to work. Any suggestions?

Canonicity and IF - 223 votes for 52 games; created July 27, 2017
A poll by juliaofbath
I'm interested in determining whether or not a clear canon has emerged within the world of IF/hypertext. Of course, there is a clear...

Games with Toys - 47 votes for 30 games; created March 12, 2017
A poll by IFforL2
I want to distinguish toys from three other IF game elements: Puzzles require the player to find a solution to a problem in the...

IF of yours you'd most recommend - 41 votes for 39 games; created September 9, 2015
A poll by blue/green
If someone were going to play one IF you've written, which one would you recommend? This can be based on any criteria you choose:...

Great Openings - 17 votes for 11 games; created July 27, 2015
A poll by Floating Info
What games have your favorite openings? By opening I mean everything before the first room description in a parser game or the first...

First IF that you have ever played - 68 votes for 37 games; created August 23, 2014
A poll by BlitzWithGuns
What is the first IF that you have ever played? The game that made you love the concept of IF?

Non-human Perspectives - 76 votes for 33 games; created March 18, 2014
A poll by Rhetta_Lynnea
I'm looking for IF narrated by aliens, animals, anything.

games with great interactivity - 9 votes for 6 games; created February 22, 2014
A poll by nick love
I want a game with a great variety of interactiveness. I want it to be challenging but fun and comedic.

Awesome Text Adventure Gaming wants to review your game - 11 votes for 7 games; created October 9, 2013
A poll by theqbasicwizard
I would love to review the game that you have created and review for an upcoming episode of Awesome Text Adventure Gaming.

Must-Play IFs for learning to write IFs - 13 votes for 7 games; created March 24, 2013
A poll by Tondo
So I'm fairly new to IFs in general, but I've been enjoying reading some of the IFs on this site. Now I want to get my feet wet a bit,...

First and Third Person Second Person Narratives - 34 votes for 23 games; created March 20, 2013
A poll by dacharya64
Not as complicated as it sounds! Interactive fiction is dominated by the iconic second person narrative (*You* find yourself in a room)....

Games like Glowgrass - 3 votes for 2 games; created February 9, 2013
A poll by Timewalker
I'm looking for games like glowgrass which have a puzzle taking place in less than about five rooms, and also requiring common sense.

IF for wannabe Authors - 12 votes for 10 games; created September 26, 2012
A poll by SinfoolGamer
For all the wannabe IF Authors out there, what games would you recommend they play/research? Hopefully looking for multiple types (best &...

I am new to interactive fiction, could anyone recommend a game for me? - 38 votes for 21 games; created August 19, 2012
A poll by Urtikor
Hello, I just recently came across interactive fiction and I want to try it out and see if it's my kind of thing. I tried Dreamhold for...

The Modern Zorkalikes - 19 votes for 11 games; created June 2, 2012
A poll by Ghalev
My desire is straightforward, but proving difficult to satisfy. I want games that are like the Zork games might have been, given a more...

PC's personality integrated with the story - 83 votes for 42 games; created March 27, 2012
A poll by JasonMel
I would like to be able to recommend to someone many examples of interactive fiction in which the player character is far from a cipher...

No Mazes, please! - 42 votes for 25 games; created October 10, 2011
A poll by AndyC
I am a returning player to IF (which I loved 30 years ago) having recently discovered the fantastic Frotz for the iPad. Looking at some...

Child friendly but not too child friendly - 13 votes for 6 games; created September 30, 2011
A poll by Zzoro26
I want something without "adult themes" and reasonless violence but kinda goofy and a tad violent

Games with Difficult Puzzles and a Forgiveness Rating of Tough or Lower - 26 votes for 14 games; created June 27, 2011
A poll by Athe
While searching for games that were difficult, I found many games that had a very unforgiving forgiveness rating, which I don't find very...

Games with easy English - 18 votes for 14 games; created April 6, 2010
A poll by Fitbos
I'm a Chinese guy who is really interested in text-based stuff, but my English is not very good for me to play games with hard English....

No map necessary - 68 votes for 40 games; created December 1, 2009
A poll by Divide
Pieces which can be fully enjoyed without drawing map, ideally without taking any notes whatsoever. Ones which you could play on a bus,...

Best Short Games (5-60 minutes) - 223 votes for 67 games; created July 12, 2009
A poll by Sasha Davidovna
I'm pretty new to IF and am having a lot of fun, but in between a toddler and a job and other real life stuff, I'm having trouble finding...

Games with extraordinary "wow" moments - 56 votes for 22 games; created July 7, 2009
A poll by J'onn Roger
If there is a moment in a game that stands out to you with vivid clarity, a moment of extraordinary beauty with writing that makes you...

Must-play games - 314 votes for 59 games; created March 26, 2009
A poll by Jeff Sonas
I am looking for the games that, in your opinion, you simply must have played in order to really call yourself an IF aficionado. Or if...

Games where you can't screw up - 75 votes for 39 games; created March 2, 2009
A poll by Pinstripe
Sometimes, when I'm playing a game, I spend more time juggling my save files than I do reading the text. I don't want to have to restart...

Games with stupid player characters - 30 votes for 12 games; created February 27, 2009
A poll by murphy_slaw
I'm looking for games where the player character is significantly stupider and/or less observant than the average player - the kind of...

Games for Beginners - 281 votes for 72 games; created November 11, 2008
A poll by WriterBob
I'm looking for games that are suited for adults who are new to IF. My purpose is to share these games with friends and let them get...

Games suitable for children - 91 votes for 36 games; created October 11, 2008
A poll by Mike Sousa
My 10 year old twins recently "discovered" IF. They fell in love with Grunk and are asking for more games to play. I've searched BAF and...

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