J'onn Roger

Member since June 21, 2009
Last visited June 28, 2010
Profile ID (TUID): bk5nzwln8t7pkj0

I first came across IF on www.jayisgames.com, first trying out Floatpoint by Emily Short (though I must admit I gave it up fairly quickly), then several months later I played Llama Adventure by John Cooney (I did play all the way through Floatpoint soon after this! :)). I tend to enjoy story based games more than puzzle games, but I still enjoy a good puzzle provided there is enough at stake in the game to give me good reason to want to solve the it (i.e. Hunter in Darkness, Violet, and of course, Llama Adventure).
I love the literary possibilities IF offers, and I'm learning Inform 7 so I can eventually write my own games.
Other than IF, I enjoy juggling, music (both playing and listening), martial arts, writing, reading, chess and foreign languages.

Interactive Fiction by J'onn Roger

Selves, by J'onn Roger (2009)
(1 rating)

Recommended Lists by J'onn Roger

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Polls by J'onn Roger

Creepy Games - 81 votes for 27 games; created July 17, 2009
I'm not looking for supernatural/ghost stories or horror stories, just games that do a good job being scary and/or disturbing.

Games with extraordinary "wow" moments - 59 votes for 23 games; created July 7, 2009
If there is a moment in a game that stands out to you with vivid clarity, a moment of extraordinary beauty with writing that makes you...

Reviews by J'onn Roger

Selves, by J'onn Roger   September 21, 2009
"This is my first attempt at a game, so the code is pretty much a big mess. If/when I come back and finish it, I'll probably start from..." - See the full review

Opening Night, by David Batterham   August 24, 2009
"Opening Night starts out seeming like your average puzzle game (albeit with excellent prose). Your goal is to give a rose to Miranda..." - See the full review

Cacophony, by Owen Parish   August 14, 2009
"I had high hopes for Cacophony, based on the intriguing and well written prologue. Unfortunately, these hopes were soon dashed...." - See the full review

The Angel Curse, by David Welbourn   August 2, 2009
"The premise of The Angel Curse is an intriguing one, and the first half of the game is well done, if a little buggy. The writing flows..." - See the full review

Tookie's Song, by Jessica Knoch   July 31, 2009
"Tookie's Song is a lighthearted and enjoyable piece of work. It is mainly a puzzle piece; there isn't much at all in the way of story..." - See the full review

See all 8 reviews by J'onn Roger
See all ratings and reviews by J'onn Roger

J'onn Roger's Played Games List

Beyond, by Roberto Grassi, Paolo Lucchesi, and Alessandro Peretti
Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota
Gun Mute, by C.E.J. Pacian
All Alone, by Ian Finley
Cry Wolf, by Clare Parker

See all 48 entries in the Played List