I would love to review the game that you have created and review for an upcoming episode of Awesome Text Adventure Gaming.
Afflicted, by Doug Egan 3 votes "Well-suited to podcast review" [+]"Well-suited to podcast review: I think this game would be particularly well-suited for podcast review; it displays some amazing qualities and even when it stumbles or shanks itself, it does so interestingly. Lots to chew on." ( - Full review) --Ghalev... "I second this one." [+]"I second this one.: I played this game in the IFComp, and although I don't remember it well, I remember it enough to think it'd be a great choice for review." --Merk... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Ryan Veeder... Vote for this game | |
Lost Pig, by Admiral Jota 3 votes "Admiral Jota's classic is a must-play." [+]"Admiral Jota's classic is a must-play." --Merk... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Mostly Useless... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --DJ... Vote for this game | |
Guilded Youth, by Jim Munroe 1 vote "Short and clever and old school" [+]"Short and clever and old school: Manages to restrict options (and possible red herrings) without feeling restrictive. It is a quick game that will allow you time to discuss another fun game." --Andrew Schultz... Vote for this game | |
Valley of Steel, by The Custodian 1 vote "Old-school Infocom homage." [+]"Old-school Infocom homage.: I'm self-promoting like a fiend haha" --The Custodian... Vote for this game | |
The Abyss, by dacharya64 1 vote "Don't know if you..." [+]"Don't know if you do newer IF, but it's worth a recommend." --dacharya64... Vote for this game | |
My Name is Tara Sue, by Maki Yamazaki 1 vote "A quirky game with ten endings and a retro, yet modern feel" [+]"A quirky game with ten endings and a retro, yet modern feel: Shameless self-promotion! I really loved making this game & I hope you enjoy playing it!" --maki... Vote for this game | |
Escape From Summerland, by Joey Jones and Melvin Rangasamy 1 vote "Ghost Monkey Robot" [+]"Ghost Monkey Robot: Well if we're self promoting... the postcomp release of EFS might be fun to investigate as an unconventional character driven puzzle game." --Joey Jones... Vote for this game | |