Recommended Lists mentioning Counterfeit Monkey

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IFDB Top 100 - 100 items   September 2, 2024
A list by Pegbiter
An automatically updated list utilizing an IMDb style Bayes estimator to calculate weighted ratings based on all IFDB ratings. Questions...

Free IF Playoffs - 64 items   June 13, 2024
A list by OtisTDog
A fan-driven tournament held at between the 64 highest-rated games on IFDB as of June 7, 2024.

IF for Japanese visual novel fans - 34 items   May 26, 2024
A list by Kastel
A bunch of my friends into Japanese visual novels asked me repeatedly over the months about my IF recommendations. I should actually...

Now That’s What I Call Wordplay! - 6 items   May 3, 2024
A list by vinceren
GOD i love word puzzles :D or, I liked The Phantom Tollbooth a LOT as a kid.

My favourite games of all time - 9 items   April 7, 2024
A list by Alyssia

Works of Wordplay - 12 items   March 27, 2024
A list by Walter Sandsquish
Text-adventure games consist of little more than words, so some of them concern themselves with little more than wordplay. Here are a...

My favorite games - 11 items   March 12, 2024
A list by Artran
I appreciate smaller, puzzle-less, or experimental games like Shade, howling dogs, Photopia, Toby's Nose, De Baron. However, it's the...

2024 Alternative Top 25 (formerly 100) - 25 items   February 3, 2024
A list by Denk
(Created 03-Feb-2024) This is a snapshot of the 25 games on IFDB with the highest average star rating, though excluding games with less...

Favourite games - 20 items   December 9, 2023
A list by Max Fog
I use this list to remind myself what are good games and what to replay. Also, you guys might agree! (By the way, I can't see what I'm...

spingly's favourite games - 9 items   December 4, 2023
A list by Spingly
not too difficult and/or with mechanics or storylines that i found compelling My comments aim to provide a brief summary with rough...

favorites - 4 items   November 4, 2023
A list by snailmail

2023 Alternative Top 100 - 100 items   September 18, 2023
A list by Denk
(18sep2023) This is an alternative to other rating based lists with pros and cons in that it allows for games with fewer ratings (5...

Solvable systems - 7 items   August 9, 2023
A list by Hellzon
Most puzzles in these games are about figuring out some in-game system.

Alien settings - 5 items   August 9, 2023
A list by Hellzon
Games with interesting alien worlds, or strange protagonists.

My Personal Fave Parser Games - 20 items   May 20, 2023
A list by doodlelogic
Just a list of parser-based games that I rated 4 or 5 stars, in alphabetical order.

My favourite games - 13 items   May 6, 2023
A list by Reeah
These are some games that I have really enjoyed playing. If you are new to interactive fiction and don’t know where to begin, these are...

2020 Alternative Top 100 - 101 items   January 25, 2023
A list by Denk
(Created 24-Jul-2020) The purpose of this list is not to compete with the IFDB Top 100 but to provide an alternative view, which makes...

that claustrophobic feeling ... (cw claustrophobia) - 6 items   February 24, 2022
A list by cgasquid
there's a certain kind of feeling in horror (or horror-tinged works in other genres). a feeling that i'm about to graphically describe,...

Need to finish - 5 items   January 24, 2022
A list by almondmilk
Games I started at one point and never got around to completing.

Games with public source code - 18 items   December 11, 2021
A list by OverThinking
This is more for my own reference than anything else, but these are games whose authors have made their source code public. Priority to...

Some of my favorites - 29 items   December 5, 2021
A list by OverThinking
In alphabetical order

A timeline of some important games for authors - 34 items   June 20, 2020
A list by MathBrush
This is a timeline of some highly influential games that were among the first to use specific techniques or which left a mark on future...

Personal favourites of a fledgling IF enthusiast - 6 items   January 26, 2020
A list by Case

QuaintHydra's Picks - 4 items   October 21, 2019
A list by QuaintHydra
Games I enjoyed, in no particular order.

Top 20 by 2019 - 20 items   July 14, 2019
A list by kala
I have followed the one work per author rule.

Sabrina's Recommended Reading - 4 items   August 27, 2018
A list by ninethlion

Games for my friends - 11 items   February 20, 2018
A list by Shchekotiki

A Year on IFDB: The games that have stayed with me - 12 items   February 14, 2018
A list by Spike
About a year ago I discovered post-AGT interactive fiction. Since then I've played a lot of great IF games. This list consists of the...

Spy games - 22 items   July 3, 2017
A list by MathBrush
Games involving espionage, whether military or industrial. I've tried to put a few especially good games first, but the rest are in no...

Favorites (well-built) - 14 items   October 1, 2016
A list by Xuan Li

Favorite wordplay/puzzle/code games - 23 items   December 14, 2015
A list by MathBrush
Games whose main 'genre' is wordplay. This list does not include games like the Edifice or Suveh Nux which have significant wordplay...

Games of Infocom quality and length (or better) - 41 items   July 31, 2015
A list by MathBrush
These are games that are as long as an Infocom game (i.e. Shade would be too short) and are as good quality (so Colossal Cave Adventure,...

IF Playlist for the Brontoboards - 27 items   March 2, 2014
A list by Molly
This is a list I created as a general guide to interactive fiction for a thread I'm making on Brontoforumus. I'm trying to give a good...

Literary IF - 6 items   November 29, 2013
A list by streever
Games that have literary merit make this list. To be accepted, a game should: 1. Evoke deeper themes and meaning, without being blunt. 2....

Word-play and word puzzles - 6 items   November 21, 2013
A list by streever
This is my list of fun games for word-play/puzzles. Some of them have substantial stories, and some do not.

Recommended Linguistic Games - 16 items   February 28, 2012
A list by E.K.
Good games that use language puzzles, or language itself as the puzzle.

Distinctive Puzzle Style - 10 items   October 30, 2007
A list by Sam Kabo Ashwell
One of the most powerful techniques for rendering a game memorable is to build it around a unusual, interesting and consistent way of...

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