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Deal with transportation woes, September 25, 2024
by MathBrush
Related reviews: 15-30 minutes

This game is one of those wildly-branching many-ending Twine games, kind of like For the Cats from last year (or was that Ink?)

The main gameplay is choosing some form of transit, having it fail, then switching to another.

I’m kind of torn on this. One the one hand, I think part of this game demonstrates my thesis I’ve had for a while that ‘simulating something boring/frustrating is usually itself boring or frustrating’. On the other hand, it has some pretty funny parts. Both of my two endings were genuinely funny. And it’s organized in a way that allows fun replay with repeating the same segment over and over.

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- Edo, November 15, 2023

- Kinetic Mouse Car, July 31, 2022

- Jade68, September 14, 2021

- Greg Frost (Seattle, Washington), January 26, 2021

- tekket (Česká Lípa, Czech Republic), December 20, 2020

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
Made me miss my commute, December 13, 2020
by Mike Russo (Los Angeles)
Related reviews: IF Comp 2020

Weird confession: I’ve been a public-transit user all my life, and now that I haven’t had a commute in over six months – I kind of miss it? Despite the fact that What the Bus? presents public transit commuting (accurately, at least by my experience living in LA!) as a surrealistic nightmare of mysterious delays, interminable transfers, and subterranean disorientation, I sank into it like a warm blanket, partially because it was scratching an itch I didn’t know I had. Again and again I smiled in fond recognition at things that are, objectively, awful:

“You follow signs for the Blue Line through a long tunnel, up a flight of stairs, down a shorter flight of stairs, up another flight of stairs, through some sort of central lobby with an insane number of passages branching off of it, and then down a hallway that you feel like has one too many right turns.”

Yup, I’ve transferred from the 1 to the A-C-E in New York by going through that awful Times Square to Port Authority tunnel, this is exactly right.

“The train is packed, other than one conspicuously empty seat, which you avoid.”

This is obviously correct behavior.

After complaining to a friend about delays:

“Yeah, I hate that, Chris replies. Especially when it’s due to an unspecified emergency or the existence of seasons. Those are the worst.”

Indeed, who at a transit agency could have ever predicted seasons!

Admittedly, there’s not much to the game besides navigating the Kafkaesque labyrinth in search of the ten endings, which are helpfully tracked for you – though I like to think the fact that I got to my office successfully on my second try indicates that real-life skill with public transit translates. But there’s plenty to enjoy along each of the branches, and the “Back” button at the bottom of each passage makes it easy to check out other paths. And now that I’ve played What the Bus?, I think I miss my commute a little less!

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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Wacky idea with good writing but too fragmented, December 6, 2020
by brwarner (Vancouver, BC)

A silly game about trying to get to work. I don’t have too much to say about this one. The imagery and absurdity are fun and absurd, but after an ending or two I didn’t feel that motivated to go on. I think this world would be fun in a larger game but I don’t think it is, in and of itself, enough to carry it this micro-story for me. I was kinda hoping there’d be something more when I finally unlocked all the endings but alas, no. The humor is very reminiscent of something like Fallen London, which I enjoy (at least, I enjoyed Sunless Sea) but it’s missing the meat for me.

But I guess that’s another way of me saying I want more? I did see some other reviewers get a lot of out of it though, so this game is clearly doing it for some people, which is cool.

Actually, now that I’m reflecting on it, I think what I would have really liked is one single, more fleshed out tale of a trip on this network. The 10 tiny stories is what didn’t do it for me.

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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
A Wicked Good Commute, December 6, 2020
by Joey Acrimonious
Related reviews: IFComp 2020

On my first playthrough, this transit nightmare about a confusing commute didn’t impress me too much. With somewhat minimalistic writing, a short playing time, and a bunch of choices that felt like they had no real emotional significance, I felt at first that this was a competently-built game but not a very engaging one.

I was wrong.

Upon completion, the game lists ten possible endings to achieve. I’m glad that I accepted that challenge. Through repeated playthroughs, What the Bus? matures into something greater and more sublime than what it might seem to be on the surface. The labyrinthine web of interconnected bus routes and rail lines in this game meant little to me at first, but they took on a new significance once I’d found a few endings and had to hunt for the ones I still needed. No longer could I blindly click my way to completion - now the game was drawing me into the shoes of the protagonist, as I tried (and often failed) to navigate the insane world to the endings I was trying to get.

Damn! I didn’t realize this interchange took me to the red line again! or Oh crap, I didn’t want to get on that bus. These were the types of things I kept saying to myself as I gleefully embraced the role of clueless commuter more and more. I felt a genuine sense of accomplishment when, after countless times getting lost or winding up in the same dog park again, I finally achieved the last ending by running across a rail line that I didn’t even know existed. Glorious victory, and good fun.

One of the endings is also a nod to a classic piece of Boston lore, which is much appreciated.

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- Karl Ove Hufthammer (Bergen, Norway), December 4, 2020

0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Mostly free from monsters, December 2, 2020
by Stian
Related reviews: ifcomp 2020

In What the Bus?, “nightmare” is not a metaphor. A playthrough is essentially a typical bad dream that someone who does rely on public transportation in their daily life might have. At least here, the nightmare is quickly over, and mostly free from monsters.

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6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:
This is totally taking place in Boston, December 1, 2020

This entry is quick and dreamlike for good reason: it's a transit nightmare. In your rush to arrive at work on time, you only see a brief slice of content before arriving at one of many endings. Multiple playthroughs uncover a much larger range of outcomes.

What the Bus? pulled off a clever trick with my expectations, although discussing it ventures into spoiler territory: (Spoiler - click to show)the word "Nightmare" is not hyperbole. The author has created an experience where you start off sleepwalking through your daily commute before realizing that you're fully asleep and not walking at all.

The tediously familiar routine of commuting was presented so effectively that the various detours, delays, and redirections steered me to some very weird places before I realized what was happening. I like how it played with the assumptions embedded in city commutes — of course you take everything for granted, you've done it a million times before.

There's a back button at the bottom of every passage that seemed confusing and unhelpful on my first playthrough. Then I realized that it was an essential mercy to let me back out of paths leading to endings I'd already seen. Background colors that change to show the different subway lines was another nice detail.

I appreciated this entry's use of procedurally generated text. You will see a lot of familiar passages, retracing your steps to arrive at new endings, but if you pay attention you'll see (Spoiler - click to show)mimes, former schoolteachers, zombies, and other dreamworld inhabitants. I checked my GPS app every time the option came up, because I knew the results would be entertaining.

I never thought I'd say this about public transit: "That was fun. Let's do it again!"

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- Spike, November 30, 2020

- Ann Hugo (Canada), November 12, 2020

- Sobol (Russia), November 9, 2020

- Zape, October 25, 2020

- Dawn S., October 19, 2020

4 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
Delightfully surreal CYOA, October 15, 2020
by deathbytroggles (Minneapolis, MN)

What the Bus? is pure CYOA (about trying to catch the right bus to get to work) in that there are no puzzles to solve and no parser quirks. You just go through every potential story path until you find all the endings. When I was a child, I would use my fingers or paper clips to hold my place at different plot branches so I wouldn't have to start from the beginning. Joyce doesn't quite make things that simple, but the presence of an "Undo" button is incredibly welcome and makes this much more palatable.

Growing up and living in the suburbs, I have never been on a subway in my life, and only a few city buses. So I can only imagine the frustration that led to this story. Still, the snark is delivered well without drowning in it, so I was motivated to find every ending. And the choice to go surreal with many of the endings was also a treat. I don't think I would play this again, but I was grinning the entire time I played it.

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- jvg, October 11, 2020

- Virix, October 3, 2020

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