What the Bus?

by Emery Joyce profile

Surreal, Humor

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Member Reviews

Number of Reviews: 8
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3 of 3 people found the following review helpful:
Wacky idea with good writing but too fragmented, December 6, 2020
by brwarner (Vancouver, BC)

A silly game about trying to get to work. I don’t have too much to say about this one. The imagery and absurdity are fun and absurd, but after an ending or two I didn’t feel that motivated to go on. I think this world would be fun in a larger game but I don’t think it is, in and of itself, enough to carry it this micro-story for me. I was kinda hoping there’d be something more when I finally unlocked all the endings but alas, no. The humor is very reminiscent of something like Fallen London, which I enjoy (at least, I enjoyed Sunless Sea) but it’s missing the meat for me.

But I guess that’s another way of me saying I want more? I did see some other reviewers get a lot of out of it though, so this game is clearly doing it for some people, which is cool.

Actually, now that I’m reflecting on it, I think what I would have really liked is one single, more fleshed out tale of a trip on this network. The 10 tiny stories is what didn’t do it for me.

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