L: A Mathemagical Adventure
by members of the Association of Teachers of Mathematics co-ordinated by Richard Phillips, and including Derek Ball, Tony Corbett, David Rooke, Heather Scott, Alan Shaw, Margaret Stevens, Ruth Townsend, Jo Waddingham, Roger Waddingham, John Warwick, Alan Wigley, John Wood, and David Wooldridge.
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(4 ratings)
Colossal Adventure
by Pete Austin, Mike Austin, Nick Austin, James Horsler
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(4 ratings)
Masters of the Universe - The Super Adventure
by Mike Woodroffe, Teoman Irmak, Stefan F. Ufnowski, Graham Lilley
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(1 rating)
The Secret of Arendarvon Castle
by Kasper Boon (as Hal Renko), Alex Pelsmaeker (as Sam Edwards), Arend Rensink
Tags matched: BBC Micro
The Antagonists
by Kasper Boon (as Hal Renko), Alex Pelsmaeker (as Sam Edwards), Hermie Hermens
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