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by Trevor Lever and Peter Jones

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About the Story

Hampstead is a quest, but not for gold. The aim of it is to reach the pinnacle of social status, and acquiring wealth is only one part of the problem. If you wish to go up in the world you also have to gain the admiration and respect of your fellow men, and there's more to that than a fat bank balance.

In Hampstead it helps to know something about art — or rather, to give the impression you do. You must wear the right clothes, be seen in the right places, live in the right house with the right partner and use the correct mode of transport.

At the start of the game you are a nobody whose aim is to become a somebody. So lie, cheat, steal and defraud. You know it makes sense.

A Spanish translation (unofficial?) by Daniel Querol Bures, "Bienvenido a Hampstead", is available.

3 Off-Site Reviews

The Independent
The social climbing game that has made the leap from ZX Spectrum to iPad
The text-based adventure game pokes fun at people who treat living in the fashionable north London suburb as the ultimate badge of social success
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The Guardian
Guided by the Hampstead way of life
As aspirational games go, this text adventure was pretty high on the narcissistic scale. With the right clothes, the right education, the right muesli and the right girl (Pippa, of course), all that stood between your and your freehold was her Dad. And he was a pussycat. Hampstead taught a generation of future Brees and Tarquins how to climb the social ladder and how to look good while doing it.
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Islington Tribune
The Spectrum adventure which mocked social climbers
A roasting parody of life in Hampstead as players searched to find a wife called “Pippa” and a City job capable of bringing in a fast car and cottage next to the Heath. In the game, the price of a listed cottage in Hampstead – remember this was 30 years ago – is billed at £100,000.
See the full review


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