
Results for Shadow in the Cathedral
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, by Sophie Fruehling, Ralf Herrmann, Florian Kalenda (aka Florian Edlbauer), Max Kalus, Christof Menear, Martin Oehm, Christoph Winkler, Christian Bluemke (2005)

La route des vins

by Eric Forgeot
(2 ratings)

Agent de la Paix Terrestre

by FibreTigre
(5 ratings)

Seeking Solace

, by Justin Larue (2008)
(1 rating)

The Wide-Open Gate

, by John Cater (2008)
(3 ratings)

The Gallery of Henri Beauchamp

by Mike Vollmer
(6 ratings)

Apollo 11

, by Brooke Heinichen (2008)
(3 ratings)

Greensboro Sit-In

, by Abby Kreines, Sara Tanzer, and Becca Moura (2008)
(1 rating)

Ausflug am Wochenende nach München

, by Brett Shelton, David Neville, Brian McInnis (2007)
(1 rating)

30 Minutes

, by Anastasia Trombly (2008)
(4 ratings)

The Abbey

by Steve Blanding
(3 ratings)

Werewolves and Wanderer

by Kristopher Neidecker (Based off of BASIC source by Tim Hartnell)

The book of Fistandantalus

, by Andrew Wilson (2000)
(1 rating)

Seabase Delta

by Peter Torrance
(4 ratings)

The Phoenix Move

by Daniele Giardini
(11 ratings)

Unscientific Fiction

, by Tom Tervoort (2009)
(8 ratings)

La Strega di Maughn

, by Fra Enrico and Kewan (2008)
(1 rating)

Buried In Shoes

, by Kazuki Mishima (2008)
(23 ratings)


, by Anonymous (2008)
(13 ratings)

The Absolute Worst IF Game in History

, by Dean Menezes (2008)
(30 ratings)
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