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About the Story

A dying lord of a dying people seeks comfort in the arms of a soldier turned sower. The distant sun rises over an artificial moon hung gently in orbit of Saturn's rings. You fear the encroachment of the frost as winter takes hold.


  • 8.7k words with code.
  • 9 endings.
  • The solar system's most emotionally obtuse lesbians.
  • A first, damning kiss.

CONTENT WARNINGS: Minor religious themes, mentions of cults, mentions of blood, gore, and war, mentions of death and discussions of mortality, minor/implied body horror.


constellate was created for the Smoochie Jam, ran by NeoInteractives.

  • Twine was created by Chris Klimas
  • The Sugarcube format and Tweego were created by T. M. Edwards
  • UI template used: 30x30's twine template
  • Characters originally from @if-eventhorizon (18+)

Game Details


Entrant - Smoochie Jam 2024


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Member Reviews

Number of Reviews: 1
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Can you even kiss and make up?, March 7, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: smoochiejam

constellate is a short Twine piece about (as the blurb calls it) two emotionally obtuse lesbians (Alexandra and Eris) in space. It is winter, it is cold, and neither can figure out how to resolve the conflict in their hearts. It does not help that one of them is a former warlord, and you play as her former soldier - playing pretend of a new life away from everything can only go so far.

Like 30x30’s previous works, the prose is luscious and full of imagery. The tension is palpable between the two, as both are filled with guilt over their actions and their feelings. And you can try to flick through cycle-links to figure out how you feel about the whole thing, but especially her - though its effect will be limited. Out of the 9 endings, it is clear none of them really resolve the issue at heart, and the (im)balance of power between the two. I liked that about the story.

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