Looking for some IF with achievements, like, collect the 50 golden coins, or if you type 20 wrong commands you get the newbie achievement, or if you type "use hat in head" you get the "IF hater-to-be" achievement, well you get the idea.
Andromeda Apocalypse — Extended Edition, by Marco Innocenti 4 votes "First game I played with achievements saved to a file" [+]"First game I played with achievements saved to a file: I know SameGame saved high scores, but that's different from achievements. There are still a few I haven't gotten, so there's still some replay value to this incredible game." ( - Full review) --mjhayes... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Edward Lacey... (No comment) [+](No comment) --Wade Clarke... "A considerable..." [+]"A considerable number of achievements which works well with the game's large map and rich implementation." () --Kinetic Mouse Car... Vote for this game | |
Counterfeit Monkey, by Emily Short 2 votes "Particularly..." [+]"Particularly obscure (or awesome but optional) actions are rewarded with achievements." () --Sam Kabo Ashwell... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Sobol... Vote for this game | |
Kerkerkruip, by Victor Gijsbers 2 votes "Roguelike with achievements" [+]"Roguelike with achievements" --Molly... (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Wade Clarke... Vote for this game | |
Inside the Facility, by Arthur DiBianca 2 votes "The tickets." [+]"The tickets." () --Sobol... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --Kinetic Mouse Car... Vote for this game | |
Walker & Silhouette, by C.E.J. Pacian 2 votes "A very short..." [+]"A very short game, but features 3 achievements." () --Emily Boegheim... (No comment) [+](No comment) () --DJ... Vote for this game | |
A Paradox Between Worlds, by Autumn Chen 1 vote "Game has an..." [+]"Game has an achievements list that gives you different ways of interacting with NPCs in its blog/social media gameplay format." () --Kinetic Mouse Car... Vote for this game | |
Superluminal Vagrant Twin, by C.E.J. Pacian 1 vote (No comment) [+](No comment) ( - Full review) --Sobol... Vote for this game | |
Ugly Oafs, by Andrew Schultz as Perry Creel 1 vote "note: self-vote" [+]"note: self-vote: gives you credit for ways to die, among other things" --Andrew Schultz... Vote for this game | |
Within a circle of water and sand, by Romain 1 vote "Achievements that..." [+]"Achievements that will send you all around the archipelago. Encourages the player to experiment with the main gameplay (a race) because you can win and lose in different ways. It is also a great way to take in the game's visuals. There is gorgeous artwork that can be unlocked as you explore different areas." () --Kinetic Mouse Car... Vote for this game | |
Scroll Thief, by Daniel M. Stelzer 1 vote "Five" [+]"Five" () --Floating Info... Vote for this game | |