For Your Consideration - XYZZY-eligible NPCs of 2015 - an IFDB Poll

by verityvirtue
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This is for suggesting non-player characters from games released 2015 who you think might be worth considering for Best NPCs/Best Individual NPC in the XYZZY awards. Leave the name (or namelessness) of the NPC (or NPCs) in the comment on your vote.

This is not a zeroth-round nomination. The category will still be text-entry, and games not mentioned here will remain eligible. This is not an official list. The point of poll is partly to suggest games that others might want to check out, partly as your own reminder for when XYZZY season comes around.

This isn't intended as a straw poll; please don't upvote games already on the list, unless you want to add another name in comments. And mention every NPC that you think deserves consideration, not just your one favourite.

[Description adapted from Sam Kabo Ashwell's 2013/2014 polls]

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Oppositely Opal, by Buster Hudson
2 votes
"The Unhelpful Fairy" [+]"The Unhelpful Fairy" --Hanon Ondricek... "Killjoy the hint cat" [+]"Killjoy the hint cat" () --Doug Orleans...

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TOMBs of Reschette, by Richard Goodness
1 vote
"The monsters" [+]"The monsters" ( - Full review) --MathBrush...

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The Baker of Shireton, by Hanon Ondricek
1 vote
"NPCs + "human" players" [+]"NPCs + "human" players" --CMG...

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Fabricationist DeWit Remakes the World, by Jedediah Berry
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Kevin Snow...

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Birdland, by Brendan Patrick Hennessy
1 vote
"Bell. Also, the..." [+]"Bell. Also, the birds." () --Sobol...

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Hana Feels, by Gavin Inglis
1 vote
"Hana" [+]"Hana" ( - Full review) --MathBrush...

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Brain Guzzlers from Beyond!, by Steph Cherrywell
1 vote
"Mary Jane, her friend, your friend, the cops " [+]"Mary Jane, her friend, your friend, the cops " ( - Full review) --MathBrush...

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That Sinister Self, by Astrid Dalmady
1 vote
"The reflection." [+]"The reflection." () --Sobol...

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The Island of Doctor Wooby, by Ryan Veeder
1 vote
"the dinosaurs" [+]"the dinosaurs" ( - Full review) --dutchmule...

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Ashes, by Glass Rat Media
1 vote
"The group of friends" [+]"The group of friends" ( - Full review) --MathBrush...

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Grandma Bethlinda's Variety Box, by Arthur DiBianca
1 vote
"The screen" [+]"The screen" ( - Full review) --MathBrush...

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Someone Keeps Moving My Chair, by Ryan Veeder
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) () --Caleb Wilson...

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Hollywood Visionary, by Aaron A. Reed
1 vote
"Fish Grundy" [+]"Fish Grundy" --Hanon Ondricek...

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Ether, by MathBrush
1 vote
""It's also really..." [+]""It's also really neat how you slowly realize that, hey, this game has an NPC, and the entire world is the NPC." (From a review by Chandler Groover)" () --Sobol...

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Scarlet Sails, by Felicity Banks
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Oreolek...

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Winter Storm Draco, by Ryan Veeder
1 vote
"The storm" [+]"The storm" () --CMG...

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Is there another game that you think should be on this list? Just fill in the title of a game you'd like to vote for.
Game Title (or TUID or IFID):