Reviews by manonamora


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The Gooooooood Dog Show, by owof games, Mattia "RedGlow" Belletti, Insalatuera, QueerginiaWolf

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Surrealist Insanity, November 5, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

This game is downright absurd and really anchored in surrealism. I first played it when the Italian version was only available, relying on my little knowledge of the language and French-ism to get by (and was completely lost), then replayed it in English (and was slightly less lost).

The gist is that you're appearing in a TV show called the Good Day Show (a bit of a joke on those Good Day morning program), but you don't know how you got there, why you are here, and how you'd be able to get home. The host is not at all helpful and will not sooth your anxiety. Oh, and there's a cooking portion (have not beaten it).

The visuals are honestly insane (in a good way), with some bizarre abstract collage of bits to make sprites. It kind of reminded me of those weird modern pieces you'd find in museums.

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SpeedRead, by TremblingInferno

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A different way to display text, November 5, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

This was a very short game to show off the mechanic rather than a story. Words flash on the screen one by one, testing your reading ability (though there is a speed setting) and reflexes when a choice is given (using arrows to choose an option). Some options are timed, others are not.

There are a handful of endings, which can all be found in 5min since the "story" is so short. However, this also make the novelty of the gameplay running out quickly. I do wonder if the novelty would still grow old quickly had the story been longer...

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Diana and Vega, by Nerd Date Night

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
a lo-fi game to relax to, November 5, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

The game describes itself as a 'lo-fi game to relax to', and it does not lie! From the interface and its calming palette, the background music chosen, or the vibes of it all, the game is reminiscent of those lo-fi playlist you'd find on Youtube. It is a very cozy game, with low stake and a chill storylet structure with a slow progress.

As always: + 1 for the cat, and being able to play with it!

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The Trial, by Haunted Forest

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Creepy puzzle with rogue-like vibes, November 5, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

This played like a dungeon crawler/rogue-like, with a puzzle determining your fate. There is a specific order to interact with the elements, that is very subtly hinted within the text - it is very easy to die (and I did... quite a lot!).

As the narration is limited to descriptions or responses to the gameplay, what shines the most is the Interface of the game. The illustrations in the background evokes death and suffering (which you feel interacting with things in the temple), and are pretty well done.

The vibes of the game are neat!

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Eyes Open, by anonsh

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Interesting moody set up, November 5, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

Though it is an incomplete story (you are warned on the game page), there is something pretty intriguing with the premise. The game sets down bits of a mystery and hints of potential intrigue. Still, there is good tension with the writing, as well as a compelling moodiness.

I hope there is a future release to complete the story.

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Confectioner's Atelier, by Grim Baccaris

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A delightful 15min, November 5, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

This was such a fun and quick treat. A very cozy game where you gather around ingredients to create treats for customers. The gameplay is quite simple (go somewhere, get stuff, maybe barter for other stuff), and you can't lose either. The UI is also quite polished with fun graphics, reminiscing of pixel RPGs.

One of my favourite entry of the inkJam.

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Blink, by Adwen

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Prototype with potential, November 5, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

This game was build in a time-cave type of branching (each choice branches out, potentially to an ending), which means quite many endings for the size of the game. As there are a lots of paths (maybe too many considering the allotted time), many of them felt incomplete or ending abruptly.

The author does shine in the writing, with their vivid descriptions, how thought out the concept chosen was (body-snaching through eye-contact, that's neat and creepy). But it also at times felt distracting and confusing.

Lots of good potential in there, if the author decides to come back to it!

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ruin, by treatyofparis

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Lovely for poetry lovers..., November 4, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

This game rest heavily on vibes and poetic prose, with loosely connected spaces, rather than a more traditional story with a clear start and end. Through it all, you explore imagined places in some sort of dream-like state, where poetry take a centre stage, both in the theme, the writing, and the choices.

Because of the style and themes, this will affect some readers more than others. I tend to have a harder time connecting with poetic prose.

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skinner, by SmallMiracles

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
Lie detector test, but for your humanity, November 4, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

In a quite Blade Runner vibe, you are tasked to assess whether the person in front of you is a human or an android. Others trust your judgement, because you were the best at taking down androids before now. So you sit down, ask the person questions, check the outputs of the instruments (that supposedly help you gauge one's humanity through their eye movements), and make your judgement...

The game itself is pretty short (you only judge one person), which makes sense since it is listed as a prototype on itch. But I kind of wish there was more to it? maybe judging multiple people rather than just one, or get the consequences of your judgement (were they truly human or android? what if you chose wrong?).

The mechanic of the instrument readings is pretty neat, using graphics to help you assess whether eye movement is within the wanted bounds. It also bring the terrifying questions of what makes an individual a human, or how we quantify humanity, or whether we should strive to make androids as human-like as possible? Where does the android truly ends and humanity starts?

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Larp and Monty's Metamorphies, by cindercritter

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
A delightful approach to Kafka's Metamorphosis, November 4, 2023
by manonamora
Related reviews: inkjam

If you've read Kafka The Metamorphosis, you should have an idea of the ride you're about to embark. But rather than taking a bleak modern route, the author took a completely absurd fantasy one.

You are Monty, of Larp and Monty, a guard guarding a Tower-of-Sauron-like tower, but something went wrong. And then, Larp becomes weird. And then, it's your turn. And now, what?

Well, this becomes a bit of running around to get to safety then deciding that to do and where to go because of "the metamorphoses". Do you go back to where you came from, hoping things will get back to normal, or accept this new state? Very kafka-esque.

Even if the medium it was based on is relatively dark, the game is much lighter, pushing the humorous aspect in the banter between the two characters or the descriptions and narration. It is a delight.

Small note: after some choices, the page will refresh to add the new text, but scroll all the way down the page rather than staying at the top. As most bit are sizeable, you will have to scroll back up quite often

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