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He Knows That You Know and Now There's No Stopping Him, by Charm Cochran
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
A bloody first act, June 12, 2024
Related reviews: neotwinyjam, bluebeardjam

He Knows That You Know and Now There’s No Stopping Him is the first entry of the RBG trilogy, inspired by the Bluebeard tale, a dialogue between wife and husband. In this first act, you are the last of Bluebeard’s wives, caught in the act of disobeying him (i.e. finding the bloody basement). Threatened by your husband, as were the others, you must find a way to escape the deadly fate that awaits you. And so, with a concealed knife, you wait for the perfect moment to strike.

Though there are multiple choices and paths for dialogue (from pleading for mercy to downright be antagonistic), there is only one ending to reach. All fates are sealed after all.

The dialogue is smooth, which ever path taken, building tension until the culminating point (that moment was a bit jarring, with the prose moving to a more modern English compared to the rest of the text). With such an eventful final action, I’ve been impatiently waiting to see what the other two Acts will bring…

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