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Method in My Madness, by Max Fog
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Mad indeed, June 8, 2024

Method in My Madness is a short experimental Twine piece about a borderline-mad person’s obsession over a man. Through stylized text, unfinished sentences, and hidden choices, you get a cool visual sense of the broken-like thoughts bouncing in one’s mind. There are two endings, leading to blank screens.

It seems more like a proof of concept/prototype than a fully realised piece. I think it would need just a bit more fleshing out.

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You'd need to try to make it worse!, June 5, 2024
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

GUT2 is the spoof/sequel of GUT THE MOVIE, where you don’t just play as the original trio, but also TER, the (Eurovision inspired?) rival trio, who is trying to one-up GUT by making a sequel before they do. It uses a similar gameplay as the original game, with having different actions for each character, except that it flips from one trio to the next.

Until the original, this spoof does not let you go very far, with most of your attempts being losing endings (either because your chosen idea was bad/impossible to make or because the game is broken), and one win by default (because GUT just doesn’t bother making the sequel). Still, it was funny how it poked fun at the original game, with even sillier actions or by simply giving up on it. It probably has also the smallest iframe I’ve seen in a long time.

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stage fright, by Griffin Raynor
Knees are weak!, June 5, 2024
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

stage fright is a short horror Twine piece, with a looping component. During a student play, your sparring partner gets a nosebleed, bad enough that it freaks you out and stops you from performing the rest of the scene. Queue leaving the stage en embarrassment and… finding your way back to the start again. Reliving the same scene over and ov–

oh, no, actually. Just once. Because you run into some broken links which stops you from experiencing the other coded scenes (though some of them are broken in other ways). It is a bit of a shame, because the concept of the story is really interesting in and of itself, and the nightmare/horror loop to escape (as some sort of stage fright metaphor) is pretty cool to explore.

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the CHRONICLES of YORLANDIA: part One: The calm before THE STORM, by Hanon Ondricek
It's deifnitely a start..., June 5, 2024
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

the CHRONICLES of YORLANDIA: part One: The calm before THE STORM is a short Twine adventure game where you find a note from your friend/boy-girlfriend/love of your life, where you learn their father found out about your background and forbid them from ever seeing you again! Unless you meet them at 3am at a certain space… Except, it’s in just a bit, and you’re still in bed.

Will you make it in time?

Well… this won’t be in this entry that you will find the truth, as the exciting starting adventure ends on a cliffhanger as soon as you reach the first action point. You’re already on the edge of your seat, with a maybe cliché but still entertaining setting, and it’s pulled right under you! SACRILEGE!

There are also some fun little winks parsed throughout the game, of what could have been in unfinished coded elements, or of meta elements about the author and the development of the story, making us want to know more about the project.

But death to unnecessary timed text.

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Cloak of Cleansing, by Zac Marino
Cloak of Darkness Spoof, June 5, 2024
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

Cloak of Cleansing is a short parser, as a spoof of the Cloak of Darkness. Unlike the original, the world has been expanded and the goal as changed. You do not start with a cloak on your shoulders, but rather, must find your own. The message in the bar is still there, but is now too obscene to be displayed on screen or interact with. Instead, you must interact with a new NPC who will reward you for your unique “sense of style” (I think there’s a HHGG reference there?). Most of the game is pretty railroady after that puzzle is completed, and a sudden shift in tone/genre.

The parser is fairly bare with only a limited amount of command defined (or giving a response - even X ME doesn’t do much). I’m pretty sure I ran into a bug in the bar as well, where I ended up being stuck, unable to go back to the foyer (going against the “you can’t lose” admission in the blurb).

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Why? or also known as Untitled, by Rylie Eric
Sans queue ni tête, a great example of bad IF, June 5, 2024
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

Why? is a kinetic entry created for the Really Bad IF, where you follow/are Luna, a transgender girl going about her day(s), talking to other people or herself. It is pretty nonsensical, especially with each scene loosely connected to the next and with typos everywhere adding on to the confusion (sometime it’s even played for laughs!), or when the game fakes an early ending. There are some funny lines and statements, making the more obviously bad elements worse.

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I am oblivious to the fact that my best friend is a vampire, by zorkie
A cute evening with your best friend (who's also a vampire)!, June 4, 2024
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

I am oblivious to the fact that my best friend is a vampire is a fantasy slice-of-life Ink (Calico) story, where you’ve invited your best friend to spend the evening doing things that friends do: watch a movie, play some games, have some food, chat, and what not. But, as the title suggests, your best friend is not… quite human - a fact you are completely oblivious about, even when the signs are all there!

With each sequence, you have multiple options to interact with Nico (that’s your lovely friend btw, who brought cake!), though you will end up with the same general sequence of event: Nico enters, you have some activities, they want to talk to you. Yet, it doesn’t matter that the only obvious effect you have on the evening is which activities you do and in which order. Because…

… it’s just lovely. Your interactions with Nico are super nice, and awkward and embarrassing at times. Even if you are oblivious to the major signs, the dialogue is really charming and funny. I laughed quite a bit while playing, especially at all the vampire references going over “You”.

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Country Song Ghostwriting Simulator, by Deadnettle Games
Country Song at its finest!, June 3, 2024
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

Country Song Ghostwriting Simulator is a short Twine game in which your cousin Trevor asks you to help him write a banger of a country song. If you do not refuse, you are given a handful of topics to write that song. There are about a half-dozen endings.

Save for one path that is downright heartbreaking, the whole game is pretty hilarious. From the listed tropes of current country song topics (Beer, Girls, Truck, USA!!! and maybe Jesus/Satan), to the twist-takes on each topic, you actually get some really really funny (fake) country songs right on the page. I laughed SO HARD at the Hot Girls option. If these were actually playing on the radio, I would not question it.

But there is also that one sad path. If you do not write that country song with your cousin, you go down a pretty dark path. I think it might be the longest of all the entries, and it is really sad, maybe bitter sweet at the end, but still. I chose it first, and it might have been the best way to experience the game, cause it’s really a bummer path.

Overall, a pretty good short and humoristic game!

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Cool as a Cucumber, by Natasha Luna
he might be cool but you are not..., June 3, 2024
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

Cool as a Cucumber is a slice-of-life visual novel where you wake up without any of your memories and must meet again all your male roommates. Set up as some sort romance story, you fall in love with one of them, and are ready to do anything to get him to fall in love in you. There are a handful of choices throughout the game, but only one (the last one) seems to matter to get one of the three endings.

It doesn’t makes much sense, to why this band of people share a house with you (especially since one of them has essentially been isekai’ed here, and another is a merman??), nor does the game expand on how you got this way. It even goes in contradiction with itself (saying it’s hot outside but showing a snowy background). But there are some funny elements parsed throughout, if you like that second-hand embarrassment kind of humour.

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mall_walk, by graymeditations
weirdcore walk around the mall, June 3, 2024
Related reviews: reallybadifjam

mall_walk is a short weirdcore interactive point-and-click piece, where you can explore a grayscale mall except for one dark path. There’s also a strange shape you can interact with, with some of the listed options allowing you to explore a supplementary part. I don’t think you can leave the mall, nor is there a concrete ending.

I think does the weirdcore vibes justice, letting the images speak for themselves with the way they are edited. The dithering effect on each screen seals the deals on that. And how you meet and get closer to the shape is creepy as heck.

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