Reviews by manonamora

orifice jam

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Time's Gap, by mxelm

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
What is a body but a vessel with holes, January 12, 2024
by manonamora
Related reviews: orifice jam

*Time's Game* is a short body horror story, where you conduct a magic ritual aimed (?) at breaking the fabric of space and time (*holes*). As you get ready, snippets of strange memories (yours? someone else's?), also orifice related, rush through your mind, debilitatingly so. Your body, unable to take it all, breaks and rips into multitudes.

The writing is very evocative and gross (in a good, Porpentine way). It makes you uncomfortable, but in a way you can't really take your eyes away from it. It crawls up your spine...

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