A Fleeting Case of Self-Possession, or, Memento Moratori
by Lea Albaugh
Tags matched: IntroComp
(8 ratings)
Chapter Zero: Welcome to Cicada Creek
by P. F. Sheckarski
Tags matched: IntroComp 2008
(6 ratings)
The Fox, The Dragon, and The Stale Loaf of Bread
by David Welbourn
Tags matched: IntroComp 2005
(4 ratings)
Lair of the Gorgonanth, Part 1: "Bring Me the Beard of Nimrod Supertramp"
by Andrew Watt
Tags matched: Introcomp 2015
(1 rating)
The Bafflingly Casual Adventures of No One of Significant Import
by Robb Kinnison
Tags matched: IntroComp