
Results for Time Machine
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The Manxome Foe

, by Ray Olszewski (1984)
(2 ratings)

The Master's Dungeon

, by Jeff Allen (1984)
(1 rating)

The Tomb of Y'Golonac

, by Robert Romanchuk (1984)
(2 ratings)

Behind the Sealed Door

, by Tim Berge (1984)
(1 rating)


, by Roger Pender (1984)

Red Moon

by David Williamson, Simon Aspinall, Pete Austin, Pete Austin, and James Horsler
(7 ratings)

Lords of Time

by Sue Gazzard and Ian Buxton
(8 ratings)

Merlin's Castle

, by Randall Herson (1981)
(1 rating)

Final Assault of the Big Green Cliches

by Sam Kabo Ashwell
(4 ratings)

Shadowland I: The Tower of Iron

, by Tom Claburn (1993)
(1 rating)

Peter Pan

by N. D. Head

A Spliff in Time

by Sam Kabo Ashwell
(2 ratings)

Looking for Godot

, by Patrick Shaughnessy (1996)
(2 ratings)

Total Paddling Mania

, by Dr. Aloysius, Ph.D Beltway (1998)
(5 ratings)

Monsters of Murdac

by Jonathan Partington
(3 ratings)

Mirror of Khoronz

, by Derek Haslam (1987)
(1 rating)

Jack the Ripper

by Priscilla Langridge,Jared Derrett

Mordon's Quest

by Peter Moreland, Peter Donne, and John Jones-Steele
(1 rating)

Back To Life... Unfortunately

, by David Whyld (2004)
(8 ratings)


, by David A. Wheeler (2007)
(16 ratings)
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