
Results for Magpie Takes the Train
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The Lobster

, by Caleb Wilson (2001)
(7 ratings)

Triumphant Return of the Evil Sea Grape

, by Adam Biltcliffe (2001)
(5 ratings)

Escape from the Crazy Place

by J. J. Guest, Loz Etheridge and friends
(11 ratings)

The Beginning of the End

by Jonathan Scott and Stephen Boyd

The End is Nigh

, by Jonathan Scott and Stephen Boyd (1994)

Loose Ends

, by Jonathan Scott and Stephen Boyd (1995)
(1 rating)

The Escape from Hodgkins' Manor

, by Stephen Boyd and Jonathan Scott (1990)


by Mike White


, by Stephen Boyd and Jonathan Scott (1993)

For Pete's Sake

, by Jonathan Scott and Stephen Boyd (1993)

Pirates of the Caribou

, by Jeremy Thurgood (2006)
(2 ratings)

The Retreat

, by J.D. Clemens (2006)
(2 ratings)

Sharing All The Way To The Bank

, by Giacomo di Valenti (2006)
(2 ratings)

Last Resort

, by Jim Aikin (2006)
(6 ratings)

Andkara: Baby, the Rain Must Fall

, by Randy H. Smith (1990)

The Detective

, by Kit W. Carson (1992)

Murder at the Folkestone Inn

, by Anne Laughlin (1993)

A New Day

, by Jonathan Fry (1997)
(6 ratings)

The Lady in Green

, by D. F. Stone (1992)
(1 rating)

The House of O's

, by Wally O. and Pete D. (1989)
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