
Create a poll

If you're looking for a specific kind of IF, you can create a poll to ask other people for recommendations.
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Games With Extended Underwater Sequences

by Canalboy - 14 votes for 14 games, last vote on October 25, 2024; created on October 24, 2024
"That is games that have immersive (pun intended) sub aqua areas of more than, say ten locations."

Investigating your own death

by EJ - 10 votes for 8 games, last vote on October 18, 2024; created on October 18, 2024
"Games that substantially revolve around a dead protagonist trying to find out (or even remember) something about how they died."

Narrator as a Separate Character

by jaclynhyde - 10 votes for 9 games, last vote on October 18, 2024; created on October 17, 2024
"Games where the narrator is a distinct character from the PC whose actions you're controlling."

Games with money management

by Lance Cirone - 17 votes for 14 games, last vote on October 20, 2024; created on October 12, 2024
"Games that have money mechanics, with buying things and portioning out your money as a key part of the gameplay."

Some of the best and most confusing mechanics you've ever played

by Max Fog - 11 votes for 9 games, last vote on October 9, 2024; created on August 27, 2024
"I'm looking for games with super weird or confusing mechanics, but actually are really good games. For example, I found the clock mechanic in Finding Martin really confusing, but I really like it."

Language puzzles

by baf - 19 votes for 9 games, last vote on October 15, 2024; created on August 5, 2024
"I'm interested in games where the player must learn an unfamiliar language. I'm particularly interested in ones that have done it in unique ways, and ones where the language is dissimilar to English."

2025 Review-a-thon - games seeking reviews (authors only)

by Tabitha - 8 votes for 8 games, last vote on October 7, 2024; created on August 3, 2024
"The IF Review-a-thon is an event meant to spur reviews of games released outside the community's two major comps (IF Comp and Spring Thing). If you're an IF author who would like more reviews of your work, feel free to submit those works..."

Games about characters who are Trapped by the Narrative

by pieartsy - 9 votes for 9 games, last vote on October 13, 2024; created on August 2, 2024
"Games about characters being trapped by the themes and plot of the game, with little to no possibility for a good and happy ending, no matter how the characters strive against it. Often dynamic fiction; often with themes about fate,..."

Games involving deception

by Fie - 12 votes for 8 games, last vote on September 3, 2024; created on July 21, 2024
"Deceiving a talking obstacle? Tricking a child? Fooling you? Besting me? Interactivity means that intentional decisions are made, and intentional decisions can be wrong. "

Games featuring alchemy

by Hellzon - 5 votes for 5 games, last vote on August 6, 2024; created on July 16, 2024
"Games featuring alchemy, a subset of games with cool magic systems. There are at least some with puzzles based on mixing alchemical compounds, and even more where the setting is some kind of alt-historical "alchemy-punk"."

Interesting uses of colour in TADS

by Dannii - 3 votes for 3 games, last vote on September 14, 2024; created on July 13, 2024
"What are some interesting uses of colour in TADS games? Foreground, background text colours, or windows with different colours?"

Arterias de metal

by Zeugma - No votes; created on July 12, 2024
"Una piedra"

Fictions interactives en français humoristiques et/ou feel-good

by filiaa - 17 votes for 16 games, last vote on July 29, 2024; created on July 10, 2024
"Beaucoup de FI en français abordent des sujets sérieux, éveillent des sentiments difficiles et des émotions fortes. Malgré la grande qualité de ces FI sérieuses et tristes, on recherche parfois quelque chose de plus amusant ou..."

IF adaptations of existing poems

by pieartsy - 16 votes for 16 games, last vote on October 23, 2024; created on July 2, 2024
"I'm looking for IF that adapts existing static poems, either using the text directly or taking the story/plot/themes of the text and turning them into something interactive. Does not have to be a "game" with a win/lose or branching paths..."

Multiple point-of-view characters

by Joan - 41 votes for 28 games, last vote on October 5, 2024; created on April 22, 2024
"Interested in games where you swap between different characters' heads (whether at will or at specific points in the story), not games where a single main character possesses different bodies or games that play with different..."


by Max Fog - 7 votes for 5 games, last vote on May 30, 2024; created on April 3, 2024
"Like, games that have a blurb that is seemingly a troll game (like SPY INTRIGUE, as an obvious example) but then very soon after you start playing it you realise it's actually a really good game (or better than you would have imagined)...."

Best antagonists

by OverThinking - 16 votes for 10 games, last vote on April 28, 2024; created on March 23, 2024
"IF has a tradition of pitting the player against the environment or their circumstances. I'm looking for something a little more personal. Give me your moustache-twirling, card-carrying villains. Give me your apathetic, inflexible..."

2024 Review-a-thon - games seeking reviews (authors only)

by Tabitha - 50 votes for 49 games, last vote on August 3, 2024; created on March 10, 2024
"EDIT 2: I've locked this poll, but have started a new one here for next year's Review-a-thon! EDIT: The inaugural IF Review-a-thon is now underway! Full information here. Are you an IF author who would like more reviews of your work?..."

The dark, the bleak, and the tragic

by OverThinking - 18 votes for 12 games, last vote on September 1, 2024; created on March 6, 2024
"Send me your downers, your bummers, your wretched games that leave the player feeling like they've been kicked in the teeth."

fourth wall breaking

by Cygnus - 13 votes for 11 games, last vote on October 5, 2024; created on February 17, 2024
"Okay, I swear this will be my last poll for the month. BUT. I love fourth-wall breaking. I am a simple guy. I love when games mess with me. There's a plethora of games here, and there isn't an overtly filled fourth-wall tag, so if you..."
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