Interesting uses of colour in TADS - an IFDB Poll

by Dannii
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What are some interesting uses of colour in TADS games? Foreground, background text colours, or windows with different colours?

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Journey from an Islet, by Mario Becroft
1 vote
(No comment) [+](No comment) --Dannii...

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Volcano Isle, by Paul DeWitt
1 vote
""The game puts..." [+]""The game puts the background color capability of HTML TADS to moderately creative use throughout, but by far the best is when the PC enters a pitch-black room. The background goes black and so does the text. The effect feels remarkably similar to what it’s really like to be in a pitch-black room — you know you’re doing something (like typing “turn on light”) and it’s having an effect, but you can’t see it happening. Then, when the action is successful, the evidence of activity is visible once more. I thought this was a pretty neat effect." (Paul O'Brian's review)" --Dannii...

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A Night Guest, by Valentine Kopteltsev
1 vote
"Uses black..." [+]"Uses black background with white text to highlight the whole night theme and accentuate the illustrations used." () --Dissolved...

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Golden Skull, by Neil K. Guy
1 vote
"a complete working demonstration game for HTML TADS with images and sounds" [+]"a complete working demonstration game for HTML TADS with images and sounds" --Dannii...

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Poll created on July 13, 2024