IFforL2's Wish List

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En el Anillo dorado, by Baltasar el Arquero (revision), Andrés Samudio, Vicente Misas, Juan Antonio Darder, Carlos Marqués, Juan Manuel Medina

Desde siempre, la CONGA (Confederación Galáctica), milagrosamente unida después de milenios de guerras fraticidas, ha esperado y temido el regreso de aquellos inadaptados que eligieron el exilio hacia...

Enchanter, by Marc Blank, Dave Lebling
Average member rating: (109 ratings)

In Enchanter, the first of a spellbinding series in the tradition of Zork, you are a novice magician whom Fate has chosen to do singlehanded combat with a dark and fierce power. But worldly weapons will...

Encierro, by Incanus
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

A slice of life, fantasy and sci-fi tale; you're living a pandemic's confinement in your apartment, trying to find a way to break free... Un relato de costumbrismo, fantasía y ciencia ficción; vives en tu...

Erinia, by Daniel Revenga

Encerrada en una fría celda en una isla, no recuerdas desde cuándo estás allí, pero hoy todo va a cambiar. ERINIA es un relato interactivo para ordenadores ZX Spectrum. Del mismo autor que la anterior LA...

Escape Espacial I, by Trevizer

Estás en una nave espacial donde poco a poco te vas quedando sin oxígeno, ¿lograrás sobrevivir? ¿Qué secretos oculta esta nave? ¿Dónde está el resto de la tripulación? A lo largo de tu exploración te...

Estado Profundo, by n-n
IFforL2's rating:
Average member rating: (4 ratings)

Un thriller ocultista interactivo.

Excessus, by Sonia Sisí, Carlos Sisí

Fate, by Victor Gijsbers
Average member rating: (50 ratings)

You are nine months pregnant, and the contractions have already begun. Trapped in a castle with more enemies than friends, and Queen in name but not in influence, you fear for the future of your child. But...

First Things First, by J. Robinson Wheeler
Average member rating: (23 ratings)

You’ve just arrived at home from your nightly visit to the science and invention section of the local public library, where you spend each night dreaming your dreamy dreams of one day inventing a time travel...

Foo Foo, by Buster Hudson
Average member rating: (63 ratings)

Someone's been bopping the field mice on the head, and only Good Fairy, Senior Detective can find out who. A parser-driven noir adventure based on the interactive fiction of Ryan Veeder.

Glowgrass, by Nate Cull
Average member rating: (100 ratings)

You play as a xenohistorian on an expedition. You've been dropped (more literally than you planned) by a dropship over the ground of the Ancients. Your equipment was scattered and the dropship crashed. Now...

The good people, by Pseudavid
Average member rating: (16 ratings)

Explore the weird, until the sunken things come for you. A narration-focused interactive fiction focused on conversation and exploration of a haunted landscape. Playable on mobile, but a computer or tablet...

Gotomomi, by Arno von Borries
Average member rating: (18 ratings)

Gotomomi central station is a place where many dreams and hopes meet. It draws in scores with its many possibilities. To most, it becomes a nightmare. Fortunately, I just needed to change trains there.

Heroes, by Sean Barrett
Average member rating: (29 ratings)

"A most traditional CRPG experience." [--blurb from Competition Aught-One]

Hoist Sail for the Heliopause and Home, by Andrew Plotkin
Average member rating: (85 ratings)

A far-future story of discovery.

HOLY ROBOT EMPIRE, by Caleb Wilson (as Ralph Gide)
Average member rating: (16 ratings)

You are going to find the Robopope and then kiss its papal ring, or your name isn’t Morgen Santamore.

Honeysuckle, by Cat Manning
Average member rating: (6 ratings)

A Petite Mort entry for ECTOCOMP 2016.

The House of Fear, by Gwen Katz
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

When 19-year-old Leonora Carrington runs away to France with an artist twice her age, she doesn’t know that she’ll end up in a Spanish mental asylum and he in a concentration camp. Follow her on a hermetic...

Inhumane, by Andrew Plotkin
IFforL2's rating:
Average member rating: (21 ratings)

A parody of Infocom's Infidel, written when the author was fifteen [sic -- probably 14], then converted to Inform. To collect a treasure, you must show an ancient guardian how awful an adventurer you are....

Ke Rulen los Petas, by Fabian Escalante, Javier Aragones, Miguel Angel Borreguero Quesada, Xavier Carrascosa

Bangkok 2028. La Confederación del suroeste asiático. Dictadura militar como jamás se conoció. El general Charoen se ha convertido en el líder de la nación… cruel, frío, degenerado, mujeriego. Su policía...

La Cara Oculta de la Luna, by KRAC

Llegas a una mansión abandonada para participar en un experimento psicológico, pero pronto se convertirá en algo mucho más siniestro. El anuncio no dejaba lugar a dudas: "Prestigioso psicólogo catedrático de...

La diosa de Cozumel, by Andrés Roberto Samudio Monro, Andrés Roberto Samudio Monro, Tim Gilberts, Juan Antonio Darder, Carlos Marqués, and Francisco Carrión
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

La Llamada de Cthulhu, by Santiago Eximeno and Guillermo Lafuente Moraga
IFforL2's rating:
Average member rating: (1 rating)

La Mansión, by Incanus
IFforL2's rating:
Average member rating: (3 ratings)

It's deep in the night. A scream shatters your neighborhood peace. An empty manor... nobody inside. Or so it seems. What mysteries await in its rooms? Noche cerrada. Un grito rompe el silencio del barrio....

La Noche del Ensayo, by Guillermo Crespi
IFforL2's rating:
Average member rating: (2 ratings)

"La Noche del Ensayo" tiene sus raíces en los relatos de misterio con un grupo de extraños aislados en una lujosa casa donde algo sale muy mal. En este caso, sin embargo, no se trata de la aristocracia de...

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