19th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition (2013)

The annual competition for original IF with a maximum playing time of 2 hours.

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Series: Annual Interactive Fiction Competition

Official Web site: http://www.ifcomp.org/comp13/

Organizer(s): Stephen Granade profile

Submission deadline: September 28, 2013

Games and Awards

1st Place: Coloratura, by Lynnea Glasser
2nd Place: Robin & Orchid, by Ryan Veeder and Emily Boegheim
3rd Place: Ollie Ollie Oxen Free, by Carolyn VanEseltine
4th Place: Captain Verdeterre's Plunder, by Ryan Veeder
5th Place: Tex Bonaventure and the Temple of the Water of Life, by Truthcraze
6th Place: Solarium, by Anya Johanna DeNiro
7th Place: Threediopolis, by Andrew Schultz
8th Place: Machine of Death, by Hulk Handsome
9th Place: their angelical understanding, by Porpentine
10th Place: Bell Park, Youth Detective, by Brendan Patrick Hennessy
11th Place: Trapped in Time, by Simon Christiansen
12th Place: Mrs. Wobbles and the Tangerine House, by Mark Marino
13th Place: Final Girl, by Hanon Ondricek
14th Place: Autumn's Daughter, by Devolution Games
15th Place: Moquette, by Alex Warren
16th Place: The House at the End of Rosewood Street, by Michael Thomét
17th Place: The Paper Bag Princess, by Adri
18th Place: Impostor Syndrome, by Dietrich Squinkifer (Squinky)
19th Place: Who Among Us, by Tia Orisney
20th Place: Dream Pieces, by Iam Curio
21st Place: Further, by Will Hines
22nd Place: Blood on the Heather, by Tia Orisney
23rd Place: The Wizard's Apprentice, by Alex Freeman
24th Place: Saving John, by Josephine Tsay
25th Place: Sam and Leo Go To The Bodega, by Richard Goodness
26th Place: Dad vs. Unicorn, by PaperBlurt
27th Place: Our Boys in Uniform, by Megan Stevens
28th Place: A Wind Blown From Paradise, by N.C. Hunter Hayden
28th Place: Mazredugin, by Jim Q. Pfygx-Vobk
30th Place: 9Lives, by Bill Balistreri, Hal Hinderliter, Sean Klabough, Luke Michalski, Morgan Sokol
31st Place: Vulse, by Rob Parker
32nd Place: The Cardew House, by Andrew Brown
33rd Place: 100,000 Years, by Pierre Chevalier
34th Place: The Challenge, by ViRALiTY
35th Place: Reels, by Tyler Zahnke

Update History

v.4: 16-Nov-2013 10:16 - Edward Lacey (Current Version) - Edit Page - Normal View
Changed divisions, list of games
 v.3: 16-Nov-2013 10:13 - Edward Lacey
Changed list of games
v.2: 1-Oct-2013 21:44 - Brendan Patrick Hennessy
Changed list of games
v.1: 1-Oct-2013 21:09 - Brendan Patrick Hennessy
Created page